if you had to choose, which one has a better vision & foresight in the technology industry? I.e. which one you're more likely to believe & follow as a visionary leader in technology (if you had to choose).
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if you had to choose, which one has a better vision & foresight in the technology industry? I.e. which one you're more likely to believe & follow as a visionary leader in technology (if you had to choose).
Not sure why people would pick Jobs considering most of his products are the same crap in a different package every time. All overpriced garbagetestfactor888But my MacBook Pro is prettier than your computer.
Not sure why people would pick Jobs considering most of his products are the same crap in a different package every time. All overpriced garbagetestfactor888But my MacBook Pro is prettier than your computer. Alot more expensive as well I bet
Gates for me, Apple hasn't done much besides making MP3 players mainstream. Google..Well.. Google is google, a search engine complany that rules half the world. Like...Lolwut?
Gates got my vote. Jobs is a jerk and I hate all his products. Never heard of Schmidttestfactor888
Eric is the chairman and CEO of google.
oh and the answer is Bobby Kotick 8)
:lol: :P
Gates, once he had said that he said he was like the reaches man in the world because he didnt spend as much as the other top reach people (not a direct quote).
If we are talking about currently, then I would have to go with Eric Schmidt and Google, because the other two are really not doing anything visionary right now, while Google is experimenting with things like Google TV. They may be lame ideas, but at least they are trying something new.
Bill Gates by far. Windows is one of the most important and influential creations of all time. SF_KiLLaMaN
WTF? Important yes, but influential? As far as I know Apple's early OS "influenced" Gates to make Windows. and besides the OS our computer designs of today all go back to the first macintosh, like it or not Apple is always setting the bar higher and higher, iPhone comes out the whole mobile industry changed and even today we hear the term "iPhone Killer" everytime a new smartphone pops up, iPad came out, same thing..wether their products are better than the competitor's idk but Jobs knows how to sell it
and for the record I voted Jobs but without Woz he'd be nowhere today so there..
Yeah Bill Gates borrowed a lot of his ideas from the Apple Interface. For instance, instead of a trash can, windows has a recycle bin! See the difference?
Edit it: anyways I say Jobs because his ideas are more original.
Visionary? Depends about what. Technology itself? Gates easily, altough he not always was able to push his idead forward. Jobs however proved to be bigger visionary in terms of marketing and claiming consumers in recent years. Altough I always wondered how the market would look if Gates would still run Microsoft instead o
Uhh, Apple TV came out before Google TV.If we are talking about currently, then I would have to go with Eric Schmidt and Google, because the other two are really not doing anything visionary right now, while Google is experimenting with things like Google TV. They may be lame ideas, but at least they are trying something new.
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