I'll just list the best ones, since they are also somewhat funny...
While on a ski trip, I lead a group of friends down a mountain. Oblivious to the signs that said 'cliff' in symbolism, I cut a corner and went off of one because the ground and the cliff's snow glittered in the sun the same so from a distance it looked completely flat. Each one of the kids followed me and we all lost our skiis and got buried in 5 foot snow, after falling 10~15 feet.
Attempted to sleep while riding my bike. Within 5 seconds of placing my head on the handlebars I bashed into a parked car, flew over the hood, caused the alarm to go off, and broke my bike wheel. A guy across the street was mowing his yard and he merely looked, and then continued what he was doing.
Went body sliding in a rapid. You're supposed to do it with donut chairs, but I wanted to gofaster. So many bruises.
Attempted a double front flip on a trampolene, and pierced my lip with my tooth and knee.
Stabbed a kid in the back with a compass numerous times when I was 3. No reason, I don't even know how or why I had the compass (as in circle making compass)
Mixed vodka, weed, ryddelin, and swallowed dip in the middle of a forest with no direct path in the middle of the night. I threw up until there was no more food or yellow stomach fluid to throw up, and then I started throwing up blood. Iwas lying supine on the ground and literally thought I was going to die. That's when I quit dip, it's smell makes me nausious now. I quit weed and pills later too.
Brought a 6 pack and weed to school once so my friend and I could get blowed in the alleyway off school property during lunch. We use to do this routinely on days without tests. This time we were caught, but the drugs were all gone. The cop searched both of us and put us in the cop car. I couldn't find the seat belt insertion point so I dug under the chair to find one, and the cop thought I was burying drugs, so she ordered us out and checked. Luckily she found nothing. While we were in the principle's office with the cop and 2 principles, they searched us again. I made the 3 of them laugh so hard. First they found my 'lunch bag' It's a black cloth thing with pepper patterns all over it. They were like "Wha??" I just said, in a childish voice "That's my lunchkit, my mommy made it." The principles and the cop burst out laughing and my friend buried his head in one hand. The cop then whispered to one of the principles "He is so nervous, he's probably never in trouble" The game was working. Next they found a handful of about 40 napkins, and were like "Why do you have so many of these...." And I said "I like to be clean, I use them for many things." Again they laughed, this time making odd expressions as if dealing with someone with mental issues. After all of this was over, he gave me 1 day of ISS, purely for being not where I was not supposed to be, but my friend 4 days because he had a lighter on him, plus a ticket.
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