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I could have picked McCain on everyone because I could tell, but then Id be lying. I chose McCain on everything but 2, that being Immigration and Global Warming.kool-aids
I sympathize. He's for amnesty and he believes that global warming is a world crisis, both of which I disagree with.
abc is a liberally biased network, so they word questions in a way that will make most people think they're obama supporters
The test was worded odd, but it still said I only agreed with Obama 3 times.
McCain 10 and Obama 3.
I got McCain for all of Iraq, Health, and Hot Topics. Obama for the first economy, and McCain for the second. I got Obama for both of the immigration qestions.
I guess that was pretty accurate for me. Some of the quotes (for both candidates) seemed to not really portray their views very well though....
If you are looking for a third party, look at the libritarian (however you spell that) person. But I don't think you will be happy with any politician because they all say stuff, do other things, and then lie about it later; thats just how they roll.[QUOTE="Jacobistheman"][QUOTE="hoola"]I dont' like that quiz. I wish they would include the third party candidates. I agree most with what McCain says but what he will actually do is something completely different.lilburtonboy748
ron paul isn't the typical politician...he's smart
I think he is kind of a nut, his ideas are good but he takes them to the point of anarchy, the way i see it.I only agreed with Obama about one thing (related to the war), which doesn't surprise me at all. I chose the realistic answers. But I'm glad I took that test- it really showed me how much of McCain's platform I believe in.
... but then again, I'm Canadian, so this is all kinda moot anyways >_>
I got McCain 11, Obama 2.
I agreed with Obama only on the judge question about how judges have to have empathy.. only because the other answer was kind of weird. And I agreed with him on the carbon emissions. If he can put a cap on them soon then I don't see why that would be worse than putting a cap on them in stages.
I'm suprised at the number of people in this thread who agreed with McCain more. I thought gamespot is usually pretty liberal.
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