@Aero5555 said:
You'd have a prejudice against me and lel even if Islam didn't exist. It all stems from race, and that's disregarding the Sunni Shia debate. So, I wouldn't see it worth the time to discuss with you such things. Neither should lel. (latest debate I hear is that the Islamic Revolution of the 70's corrupted your Persian roots. And "Arab'd" your culture.)
I generally find it disgusting that such a debate on religion is taking place, when over 100 innocent kids were slaughtered. I also find this incident irrefutable proof that terrorism is politics at its core. Religion is the scapegoat, and always has been.
Stop bickering over BS and have a heart. Kids were killed.
Not sure what you're trying to say and honestly I couldn't care less about all of it. When Islam is the subject of debate everything else becomes trivial to me even if it's kids dying. Before you outrage let me tell you that this is for good reasons. It originates from the fact that I'm an idealist. You don't want kids to be killed by terrorists? Do as Islam tells you. You want terrorism destroyed? Do as Islam tells you. But Ironically what I'm doing is just another way of "enforcing" my own definition of Islam on people. A definition according to which Islam is the ultimate solution to every problem that exits in the world. In other words many are waiting for the messiah to save them whereas I'm waiting for Islam to save me. The difference between me and other Muslims however is not exclusive to this belief. I also have an open ended approach toward defining Islam whereas Islam is not what one sect believes it to be but that Islam is inherent and since people are of different mentalities Islam too can be all those different mentalities and Ideologies and yet be Islam. There's just one thing that has the final say in defining Islam and that is the nature of truth or the nature of God that exists among every one of us humankind. So long as our beliefs are in accordance to that nature those beliefs are Islamic beliefs. But it's hard to tell whether a set of ideologies are Islamic or not but hear me for just a few more minutes. Those who think that their knowledge is "sufficient" are usually inflexible people. They are usually the type of people who are intolerant as well. You know why? Because they think that they know but that others don't. Now let's apply this to a believer in God. Why does someone who believes in God need to tell people that they don't know the truth and that only he himself knows the truth? Why does he feel the urge to tell people that their ways are wrong and that his ways are right? How can he be so sure that he is among those who God has guided? Isn't it God who guides and misguides not him or anybody else?
[what then of he whose evil deeds have been decorated fair to him and thinks them to be good? Allah leads astray whomsoever he will and whomsoever he will he guides]
What if the sect you're following is like the man in that verse? Isn't it God who shall judge people at the final day?
[indeed, whoever submits his face to Allah and does good works shall be rewarded by his lord; there they shall have nothing to fear nor shall they be saddened. The Jews say the Nazarenes are not on anything, and the Nazarenes say it is the Jews who are not on anything. yet they both read the book. and those who do not know say like their saying. Allah will judge between them their disputes on the day of resurrection.]
Don't you think that Quranic verse applies to Muslims as well? Who are We to judge people? And how do you know that what you believe is acceptable by God? What you believe may not be Islam to God at all. So one way to catch out non-believer Muslims is in fact by their zealotry toward the sect they're following.
You know what Islam is? Islam isn't your religion. It's the religion of Ali, Umar, Abi Bakr (Radiallhu Anhum). Islam is not the religion of Ali, Umar, Abi Bakr (Radiallhu Anhum). It's the religion of Muhammad (pbuh). Islam is not the religion of Muhammad (pbuh). It's the religion of Abraham (pbuh). Islam isn't the religion of Abraham. It's the religion of Adam (pbuh). Islam isn't the religion of Adam. It's the religion of God.
[lo! religion with Allah (is) the surrender (to his will and guidance). those who (formerly) received the scripture differed only after knowledge came unto them, through transgression among themselves. whoso disbelieveth the revelations of Allah (will find that) lo! Allah is swift at reckoning.]
That's what Islam is. Yet Muslims narrow it down to sharia or sunnah or imamah. These idiots! Islam is inherent. Islam is the true religion. Don't you dare define it by sharia. Don't you dare define it by Muhammad (pbuh). Instead define it by God. Define it by truth. Define it as God himself has defined it:
[Then set your face upright for religion in the right state-- the nature made by Allah in which he has made men; there is no altering of Allah's creation; that is the right religion, but most people do not know. turning to him, and be careful of (your duty to) him and keep up prayer and be not of the polytheists. Those who have divided their religion, and become sects, each rejoicing in what they have.]
This is what the Muslim world is like these days. They don't belong to Islam as they should. Instead they think Islam belongs to them:
[they regard it as a favor to you that they have submitted! say: 'do not regard your submission as a favor to me, rather, it is Allah who bestows upon you a favor by guiding you to belief, if you are truthful. ']
If you tell them that many parts of the so called "Islamic law" are outdated and that we need reform they rage at you. You know why Because:
[they know but the outer (things) in the life of this world: but of the end of things they are heedless.]
Is punishing a thief by cutting his hand the only way to go? really? Don't you think that's a little extreme? Well you may argue that it's a "necessary extreme" but the problem is that extremism of any sort has absolutely zero place in Islam. Tell me which verse should we follow. First we have a verse that says we should cut the hand of thieves which is a juridical verse that needed to be implemented "1400 years ago" in order to keep the society safe. But now with the advancements of sciences we can think of other better deterrents. But what did we do with regard to this verse? We only saw the outer meaning of it which even kids can see while completely overlooking the inner meaning of this verse which is protecting the society from harm. And then we have this verse:
[and so we have made you a median nation, in order that you will be a witness above the people, and that the messenger be a witness above you. we did not change the direction that you were facing except that we might know who followed the messenger from him who turned on both his heels. though it was a hardship except for those whom Allah has guided. but Allah would never waste your faith. indeed, Allah is gentle with people, the most merciful.]
Change the Goddamn direction! THAT'S what God wants from us. Just because reform appears to mean changing Islam don't step back! Don't be fooled! You're only seeing things as they appear to be. Try seeing things as they are. Reform is Islamic but for you to understand that you'll have to see the inside of things. Only such Ummah can guide the entire world population toward God and thus fulfill the prophecy. I strongly believe in reform that is in accordance to God and hadith and individual reasoning.
My whole point is that top_lel said Islam is one of those 73 sects. (I don't know which one he meant. He may be a shia or a sunni) But he is wrong. Islam is none of those 73 sects.
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