[QUOTE="majadamus"]I already knew all that after 6 years of being a loner. The main reason I'm anti-social is because a lot people bore me to tears. I have a bad habit of getting invited to really bad parties as well. I try to avoid those as much as possible because they always lead a very uncomfortable awkward boring time. [QUOTE="Nerd_Man"]The best things in life takes time and work, and that means getting past the crappy moments in life, and being anti-social is basically one's excuse for being lazy or giving up on oneself.
"The walls weren't put there to stop you, they were put there to see how badly you want it." - Randy Pausch
That quote can refer to many things, and being anti-social only shows how weak you are with giving up on basic things in life. I'm not referring to everyone that is anti-social, because I know many people are here, and admit it, and wish you could be doing better in life; I'm referring to the people who know they are, and think they are proud of it.
Basic things in life? Like eating? :P Having a social life should be a basic thing people have, yet so many people are afraid to exploit it. I think everyone does have that social aspect in them somewhere, it's just, not everyone knows how to exploit it well, or feel unfomfortable doing so. I think it just takes more experience, and getting used to if you're one of those people who feel that way. The steps may not seem easy, cause that means you would actually have to go out and communicate with people and make friends, but I think in the end things would make you better off.
Not everyone is a stuck-up sould who throws crappy parties afterall, you're just too used to being around those people, forgetting there's a whole world of different people out there.
Assumptions. You have no idea what type of people I've been around. I grow tired of boring, bad jokes, and horrible parties. The moment I get into one I feel jumping out of the window. It gets me pissed off. So, in order not to be a jerk I become anti-social to avoid hurting someone's feelings.
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