After some research, I found out that the *earth might be in direct alignment with the sun (I forgot if its the sun or the moon or a planet)* by the end of 2012, which would cause the earth to go on a Polar Shift which means that the south pole would become the north pole and vise versa, if this happens over years it would cause climate changes but it it happened rapidly it would cause a catastrophe, now that makes more sence in my opinion than the whole world just exploding out of randomness just because the mayan calendar ends.
so what do you think will happen in 2012 ? IMO I dont think the world is gonna end
*earth and any other single object or body in space are always in direct alignment
*Things lining up in space isn't going to change earth's magnetic field, and even if it did earth would still have a magnetic field protecting it therefore the entire point becomes null
*Lastly my most important point. The whole *world will end in 2012* theories are complete and utter bull****. The theories are based off the Mayan (and other ancient civilization's) calendars and predictions. Some of them didn't even predict a date and people just slapped 2012 onto it. So if you are going to say that the Mayan calendar ending is irrelevant to the theory then you must agree the theory derived from the calendar is also irrelevant. In which case there is nothing to make since of in the first place, which makes your entire post all the more meaningless.
*why the hell are u trying to make sense out of somthing you don't even think will happen.
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