Well, actually, slavery is what made Americas economy in the first place. The only thing better than cheap labour is free labour!
we don't need human labour at all.
That comment is ridiculous. You clearly have no experience with machinery of any form. First rule of the world we live in: "Everything breaks." Human labour is necessary to counter this. If you cannot tell the difference between a 3/8" open end wrench and a 7/16" open end wrench simply by looking at it, you probably have no idea what you are talking about. Human interraction with machinery and manual labour will be a necessity for decades to come even under the most optimistic technological breakthrough circumstances.
You know very well that i only mean that insofar as production is concerned. The USA has been cappable of Automating the production of consumer goods for decades,
Of courses the automated process will be maintained by humans (in the foreseeable future at least).
maintenance and machinist jobs are not unskilled labour, and thus they are needed. unskilled labour is only needed(in terms of production) because of the shackle that is the price system. The USA is quite capable of becoming self sufficient (as far as production goes) and thus should operate on abundance based economics not scarcity based.
However i do not advocate socialism as it leads to stagnation. To illustrate this i will quote myself from another thread.
"This based on abundance economics which is indeed possible in the USA.
First of all, all means of production will be automated and controlled by the government. Then all citizens will receive a basic package of goods and services which will allow them to live a high standard of living essentially equal to the American middle class. however you are not limited to this, if you want more you can have more. you simply have to make it known to the government that you want something, and then based on your abilities,past service and potential future service you will receive what you desire. In this system the genius is always richer then the idiot and the just man always richer then the in-just. This system also allows any citizen to live a life of luxury should he work for it. we eliminate the poor but keep the productive middle class and allow for the existence of the wealthy (for to be wealthy you must be productive)
Of course these privileges are only given to citizens. You must be either be born in America and go through and complete the educational system or you can immigrate to America and if you are judged to be useful and worth having by the government you can also become a citizen.
This is a USA centered system but it could also potentially be applied to Israel and China."
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