No, I would not be scared.
I've already been thinking of joining after college.
Also, all capable draft dodgers are lame. You are not cool for shirking your duties to you nation, no matter what the reason.
End of story.
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[QUOTE="Magical_Donuts"]Theres going to be a draft? canada here I come...MarineXXII
thats pretty sad that u would bolt on a nation that has given u a good life but u dont want to return the favor or not only that, ensure the future for someone else to enjoy the life in America, go ahead and bash me people, i know u will, its just pathetic and sad how Americans are these days
It's not that, it's we're fighting a war that the people do not approve of. I'd be damned if I was to fight for some ****ing war I don't believe should have been started in the first place. I'm not content with my government or it's policies, why the **** should I have to fight for them?
[QUOTE="SaintLeonidas"]Its ironic that all this new draft talk starts up the day I receive my comfirmation later about registering for the draft SovietKid17does everyone need to register?
You have to, it's federal law.
[QUOTE="Magical_Donuts"]Theres going to be a draft? canada here I come...MarineXXII
thats pretty sad that u would bolt on a nation that has given u a good life but u dont want to return the favor or not only that, ensure the future for someone else to enjoy the life in America, go ahead and bash me people, i know u will, its just pathetic and sad how Americans are these days
Fighting in a war that I don't believe in would not be one of my top priorities.
nope, when 9-11 happened i knew right then and there i wanted to go over there and whoop some tail, not scarred at all, i want revenge dammitMarineXXII
Thats one of the stupidest, most ignorant things i've heard in quite some time, and thats really something. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, you wouldnt be getting revenge on the right people
1. There will not be a draft. The only possible circumstance in which the draft would be reinstated would be if total war with, say, China broke out.
2. I wouldn't have a problem, as I already plan to go into the military.
Even if the government was clamoring for the creation of a new draft, it simply wouldn't be feasible or realistic. Major policy shift does not even begin to cover it.
So where will the food come from for these draftees? The magic budget fairy?
The equipment to arm them? The magic procurement fairy?
The buildings to house them? The magic house building gnomes?
The role to use them in? If Vietnam and Korea taught us anything, it's that draft soldiers makecrappy peacekeepers.
You do not want the guys who don't want to be there, as your ambassadors of good will towards the people. Why should some 20 year old collage dropout give two****s if the Sunni's translators he works with think he's a ****. Why should he care? Sure, that lack of goodwill will increase his chances of ending up dead before he makes it back stateside. But will he figure that out and start caring in time?
does everyone need to register?[QUOTE="SovietKid17"][QUOTE="SaintLeonidas"]Its ironic that all this new draft talk starts up the day I receive my comfirmation later about registering for the draft guynamedbilly
You have to, it's federal law.
yeah, my friend just registered, but his 18th birthdy was 5 months ago, he got a letter from th government warning him that he needed to register.
People thinking that there will be a draft is just another case of the liberal media doing whatever they can to make the Bush administration look worse than it is. There isn't going to be a draft. The Pentagon has confirmed this beyond doubt. But of course, channels like CNN fail to tell you this, and focus only on the one crazy general who thinks a draft would be a good idea.Mumbles527
Sorry to tell you but that one crazy general was put in place by Bush himself . Liberal Media is just telling the news, that the general, that Bush put in place as the "czar" , the guy Bush put in place as his war advise thinks there should be a draft.
Are You scared of getting drafted into war? I am :(SovietKid17
I don't think anybody shouldworry about the draft. Even though popularopinion makes the Iraq war seem like the worst war in US history, its not. Theres plenty of soldiers to use in the war without starting a draft. Its not like its Vietnam.
[QUOTE="Magical_Donuts"]Theres going to be a draft? canada here I come...MarineXXII
thats pretty sad that u would bolt on a nation that has given u a good life but u dont want to return the favor or not only that, ensure the future for someone else to enjoy the life in America, go ahead and bash me people, i know u will, its just pathetic and sad how Americans are these days
Lol. Thanks for protecting us then, Batman.
[QUOTE="Mumbles527"]People thinking that there will be a draft is just another case of the liberal media doing whatever they can to make the Bush administration look worse than it is. There isn't going to be a draft. The Pentagon has confirmed this beyond doubt. But of course, channels like CNN fail to tell you this, and focus only on the one crazy general who thinks a draft would be a good idea.SaintLeonidas
Sorry to tell you but that one crazy general was put in place by Bush himself . Liberal Media is just telling the news, that the general, that Bush put in place as the "czar" , the guy Bush put in place as his war advise thinks there should be a draft.
Yes, but again, there will be no draft. Who cares what one guy thinks if its NOT going to happen? And I like the link you chose, CNN. They probably failed to report anything about this. A quote from the article in case you don't feel like clicking it, [QUOTE="My link"]The Pentagon sharply rejected Monday a key general's assertion that a return to the military draft has always been "an option on the table" and should be considered. "I can tell you emphatically that there is absolutely no consideration being given to reinstituting the draft," said Bryan Whitman, a Pentagon spokesman. "The all-volunteer force has surpassed all expectations of its founders." Its not going to happen. Again, as I said, just another case of the media taking things out of context.If it's a war I believe it, sure, I'll defend our country. But this current war? Hell no.
I am nota coward. I will not fight for an unjust war.
Ditto that.
[QUOTE="Magical_Donuts"]Theres going to be a draft? canada here I come...MarineXXII
thats pretty sad that u would bolt on a nation that has given u a good life but u dont want to return the favor or not only that, ensure the future for someone else to enjoy the life in America, go ahead and bash me people, i know u will, its just pathetic and sad how Americans are these days
I love you.
I have no worries about getting drafted, becaise I'm 13. :o
[QUOTE="SaintLeonidas"][QUOTE="Mumbles527"]People thinking that there will be a draft is just another case of the liberal media doing whatever they can to make the Bush administration look worse than it is. There isn't going to be a draft. The Pentagon has confirmed this beyond doubt. But of course, channels like CNN fail to tell you this, and focus only on the one crazy general who thinks a draft would be a good idea.Mumbles527
Sorry to tell you but that one crazy general was put in place by Bush himself . Liberal Media is just telling the news, that the general, that Bush put in place as the "czar" , the guy Bush put in place as his war advise thinks there should be a draft.
Yes, but again, there will be no draft. Who cares what one guy thinks if its NOT going to happen? And I like the link you chose, CNN. They probably failed to report anything about this. A quote from the article in case you don't feel like clicking it,The Pentagon sharply rejected Monday a key general's assertion that a return to the military draft has always been "an option on the table" and should be considered. "I can tell you emphatically that there is absolutely no consideration being given to reinstituting the draft," said Bryan Whitman, a Pentagon spokesman. "The all-volunteer force has surpassed all expectations of its founders." My linkIts not going to happen. Again, as I said, just another case of the media taking things out of context.
Oh i know there wont be a draft,i never said there will be,but is has to be known that the guy Bush put to advise the war is now saying basically that the war is so messed up that thoughts of a draft need to come up.
Good news, the military doesn't want a draft either. You see, draftees generally make poor fighters, all they do is complain and die. Those who are drafted and say they won't fight will also get others killed too, and the military doesn't like that. I know that if in my company some kid strolled on in with a bad attitude about the military and the mission, that kid would probebly get his ass beat. The point is, WE DON'T WANT YOUR WEAKNESS ALL UP IN OUR KOOL-AID.M1Hunter66
:lol: I actaully signed in to laugh at this comment, I really liked it; especially the last comment. I see your point as well, all a draft does is put people in war that will screw-up others who really want to serve. Its not my ambition to serve in the military (once wanted to be in the FBI and would way rather be in that than the military) but if the time comes I am not going to bolt (unlike some unpatriotic @$$holes (mod me if you will but its seriously the truth and you know it) in this forum who will mooch off of this country and bolt when it asks for something in return).All I know is if a draft ever comes up into the works I am joining before I get drafted as if you get drafted your expereince is going to be waaaaaaaay worse.
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