[QUOTE="Yongying"]If you want me to tell you then i will send you my msn and we can have a proper conversation. If you wanna pass on that then what can i say? i believe in god, i believe in spirits, i believe there could be aliens, i believe that human logic is limited, i believe in karma, i beleive in the balance of the universe i believe in many things, and i don't believe in many things, how much detail do you want me to go in?diz360
I was asking why you did not belive something fairly specific... I'll pass on MSN, as I'm discussing in other threads too.
If you beleive in all that stuff, then you must have a reason to. If you can't justify those beliefs, then maybe its time to think hard about what you really do believe.
I believe in the power of the human mind. To me, all those things you believe are functions of human conciousness. The need to define a resolute purpose and destiny in life are really urges from your ego to justify your existance.
The belief in spirits and aliens has no real merit. Despite the many purported visitations of ghosts and ETs, there is absolutely no evidence at all. Curious that... The balance of the universe is rather hard to define as we don't yet know the extent of the universe.
If you'd like to support the many thousands of psychic charlatans that will gladly take your money in your quest for spirits, why not check out the truth behind this fakery. I suggest you read Derren Brown's "Tricks of the Mind", to gain an understanding of how gladly and easily people are fooled.
I believe in spirits from personal experiances with the ouiji board. Call it crazy and untrue, but if i experianced it without being on drugs or alcohol, then why should i think it was just my mind playing tricks on me, because it sound more logical i guess? I believe there could be aliens because the universe is waaay to big for me to believe that we are the only livings things in it.
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