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I swear I'm never telling anyone I'm on vacation again. quadraleapWhy not.
I want chocolate. T_TghoklebutterI have none.
[QUOTE="ghoklebutter"]I don't want to study the SAT. :(thriteenthmonkeI'll take it for you if you do my essay. :P What kind of essay? :P
[QUOTE="ghoklebutter"] What kind of essay? :PthriteenthmonkeThe terrible kind. :( I have to compare the narrators in 3 different short stories. I wish this was like my last English class, where I could write about things I actually cared about. Dear god I'm terrible at those essays. D: English class is terrible and I have to mention all sorts of bland poetry. :cry:
Hello.Hey everyone
The delicious kind.Hey you guys. I've got Friday off, and this thread title is making me want to bake some cookies.
What kind should I make? Careful: Your answer may alter the course of history.
and F starts another shift at work :P I got word I might be working here most of next month too fastesttruckHi F.
Hey whats up? (Quoting is a pain on the netbook FYI) fastesttruckYeah, I think you mentioned that before. I'm just procrastinating starting the lame essay due tomorrow.
A number of times I'm sure. How long of an essay does it have to be? fastesttruck4 pages, which is fine. The issue is that I don't really have anything to say on the subject.
Oh thats crap. I hate doing stuff like tha. I don't wanna compare crap I wanna enjouy the works fastesttruckI agree, I have nothing to say on this subject.
How bad would it be if yo don't do it? fastesttruckIt's worth roughly 10% of my grade for the semester. I can probably get away with not doing it, but I'm trying to slack off less and do better in school these days.
Okay so do a half assed job of it and just lose 5%? :P fastesttruckI hope I can get at least 6% out of it, so a 3/5 assed job. :P Started writing, got about a quarter page so far. Worried I won't have enough material, but whatever, I only had 2.5 / 4 pages on paper one and I still got 8/10 on that so hopefully I won't need to. Now I should go take a shower, back in a little while.
way to think on the good side :P I never made it as slong as they wanted it. I made my point and that was the end of it. No fillabuster from this F fastesttruckI agree, minimum length requirements encourage bad writing by forcing people to add lame filler.
Must be a good BSer? :P I'm not since I just get right to the pointI actually liked essays like that, I was so good at just BSing my way through those.
[QUOTE="immortality20"]Must be a good BSer? :P I'm not since I just get right to the pointI actually liked essays like that, I was so good at just BSing my way through those.
I guess so. I was an English major and got As on stories I glanced over. I failed psychology though, so maybe there's a connection.
Why was that? Oh I also hated the ones where there was a limit to how long it could be. Those sucked trying to rip crap out so it was shorter fastesttruckIt was because their was actually something to write about in that one.
Well that would do it. What was that one about? fastesttruckIt was about how Ibsen's Dollhouse was a reflection on the Victorian era. Still a terrible topic, but there was at least stuff to write about there.
Dollhouse? I used to play with one of them when I was like 3 and I always turned the thing upside down >.>fastesttruckBut dolls are for girls. :o
That might explain part of why I'd rather hang around them in place of guys... Or I just like being around cute things >.>fastesttruckEveryone likes being around cute things.
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