Alright, so it was 12:30. I was barely awake, and woke up to my door opened and both my dogs sleeping right next to me. That usually means nobody was home. Then, I heard the phone ring. I really didn't want to answer it, but I saw the caller ID, and it was "CSI". I was all, "WTF?" I let it ring three times, and then picked it up.
I answered with a casual "Hello?" A man replied "Hello sir, how are you today?" I said, "I'm fine." He said, "That's good to hear. Sir, are you over 18?" I just responded no, then he asked, "Are either of your parents or someone over the age of 18 home at this moment?" I just replied nope, and heard talking in the background. After 5 seconds, they hung up.
I never knew these people were real, I just thought they were in New York and Miami solving crimes on a TV show.
I'm super duper cereal about the story though, I've still got the number on caller ID history to prove it. I'm afraid they're after my grandma since she's not a legal citizen, or maybe one of my stupid cousins killed someone... Or something.
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