So in the past couple years I have really been getting into alot of the batman graphic novels and one shots. I am aware though, that most of them take place in different continuities.
still, the concept of the DC multiverse baffles me. I know that they do this in order to have stuff to write about and keep the comic book industry going, but i am still lost as to where important things started and ended. so i have several questions.
1.The "main" contiuity is earth zero, correct?
2. when did the who clashing of universes cluster**** begin?
3. crisis? crisis on infinite earths? final crisis? 52? what the heck is going on here?!
4. is there like a multiverse, and then another "multiverse" called 52 or something?
5. batman first appeared in 1939, so what happens that has kept him young and kicking for decades upon decades, as well as other heroes?
the dc wiki and wikipedia expect too much of my feeble mind.
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