I fully support public executions. Bring back the gallows. We need to start scaring people. We need to scare the f*** out of people. You commit a murder and the evidence is solid. Off with his head and stick it on a spike. Did you rob a store? Wont throw you in jail. We'll chop your hands off. You have to make the consequences so bad that the action is never commited to begin with.
Your concept of justice is perverted.
Speeding, going 65mph on a 55 mph road even though everyone else around you is going faster? Car gets towed and your feet gets cut off. Can't go to work to feed your family? Too bad, should have thought about that first.
Bring in a nailfile to school? Conspiracy to assault; immediate expulsion. Just filing your nails? Obviously not.
Throw a snowball? Assault; hands get crippled. You're 13? So what criminal?
Kissed a girl on the cheek? Rape, sexual assault. Your lips get cut off. You're 10 and you liked Susie? No you're a rapist.
You're 18 and making out with a 17 year old? Statuary rape; penis gets chopped off or your boobs get cut off, and/or your vaginia gets closed up. It was consent? Nope you're a child molester.
So where does it end? :| We have the 8th Amendment for a reason so we can protect the individual (and this country as a whole) from cruel and unusual punishments. Also before you say that the stories above me are BS and would never happen, guess what? People have been charged for throwing snowballs and kissing a girl on the cheek and people have been expelled for the most asinine things. You start to mix in your perverted idea of "justice", our society is going to become nothing but a third-world country all because you're worried about us becoming **** You don't even know what that word even means.
Uh.. yea. Lol but y'know with actual crimes. All your examples there have a dark, extreme side which such punishments would be fitting. The punishment needs to outweigh the crime ten fold. When being convicted the person has to be evaluated. Thats what the justice system is for. And thats what seperates us from a 3rd world country for that latter comment. I dont feel like going into details but cruel and unusual punishments fit cruel and unusual crimes. Crimes that criminals commit. Not some horny 18 year old kid who was trying to cop his first feel. But the guy who chases down a mother in an alley, rapes then kills her. That guys looses his junk.
Those are actual crimes and some of those actions can be considered a criminal act. Yes it happens due to overzealous idiots, whether they're lawyers, parents, teachers, or even cops. We have so many laws that a person can commit a misdemeanor and/or felony without even knowing it and most of the times, those laws are BS.
Also if you really think those punishments are actually fitting for the crime, then something's wrong with you. :|
Again, 8th Amendment, cruel and unusual punishments don't work, stop living in the Stone age. Also crime has been dropping without the use of cruel and unusual punishments. If you want a justice system built on vengeance, head to Pakistan.
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