1. with capitalism, you dont have to believe in it for it to work. Obviously its clear which one is more efficient.
I already said it works. The reasons it works and the vices it promotes are the problem. For some, economic efficiency is less important than people's lives. I'm sure you'll immediately bring up, once again, the notion that capitalism must be better for the majority because people in North Korea and the Soviet Union were fighting over loaves of bread. And once again, you'll be reminded that nations like the Soviet Union and North Korea were never communisms. They were dictatorships masquerading as communism. It's like claiming that fascism is capitalism because both are right wing ideologies. Things may have panned out better for nations like the Soviet Union and North Korea if they spent their money on something like, I don't know, food... instead of dumping it all into the military.
2. The backbone of capitalism is, the harder you work the more you get. It depends on what you do. Pushing boxes in a warehouse harder than the next guy probably isnt gonna do much in the short term. But if youre smart, and work hard you can learn how to invest properly. Harder you work = the more you get. You just gotta know how to do it.
in order to get rich in the first place, to have people to work for you you have to work hard to make sure you know exactly where every dime of your income goes. You arent rich, dont act as if you work harder because you got nothing to show for it.
You're nothing if not persistent. I've already demonstrated that the backbone of capitalism is not hard work, but opportunism. You can work as hard as you like. If what you do is unvaluable, or if people can't afford to pay you millions for it and you can't mass distribute it (say you're individually offering a service for instance), then you won't get rich. Because they are responsible for maintaining the health of the citizens, doctors are every bit as valuable to society as industrial tycoons. You can't appreciate your wealth if you're dead. But no doctor will make as much as an industrial tycoon, because we don't need nearly as many industrial tycoons as doctors. If this nation had only as many doctors as industrial tycoons, it would fall apart. Same goes for educators. If you only had as many teachers as you had professional athletes, the cost of education would be astronomically high, and only the wealthy elite could receive an education. So unless you're going to try to argue that an industrial tycoon worked harder than teachers, doctors, or the countless other vital contributors to our society do, you'd be best to stop arguing that hard work is the backbone of wealth in capitalism.
And the funny thing is that capitalism tends to provide the greatest rewards to people who are totally dependent on the society that is built on the backs of these vital positions that could never receive the same wages for the reason I discussed above. Industrial entrepreneurs need a healthy, educated population to work for them. The enormously wealthy entertainment industry needs the same. And a healthy, educated population can not exist without doctors and educators... to say nothing of the fact that they probably wouldn't be too concerned with buying things or being entertained if they're forced to worry about more practical things, like food or protection. Police officers and farmers don't make much by comparison to wealthy industrialists either, do they?
Oh, but I forgot. They don't work as hard as the wealthy industrialists.
You hit the nail on the head when you talked about investing. If you work hard to become a good investor, you can become wealthy. But once again, becoming wealthy as an investor is dependent on society continuing to function, which is dependent on lots of people doing hard work for less pay than their contribution is worth. If everyone was an investor, there'd be nothing to invest in. And thus, what's investing based on? That's right... opportunism. Using other peoples' work to get yourself rich.
you're a real jerk if you call people slaves for working. Not only do you get to choose where you work, you get to choose how you spend your money, you also get to choose if you work for yourself or not. If you think of people as slaves, its because you think of yourself as a slave and that does not mean everyone else is a slave.
No, you're a real jerk if you feel it's fine to pay people beans to work hard so you can be wealthy at the expense of their effort. I obviously don't think of myself as a slave, because as a person with little material desire and who is working for a cause in which he believes, I am perfectly content earning my meagre salary. If I lived in a functioning communism, nothing would change for me. But the vast majority of people in society are not satisfied with their work or their pay. And if you think they have realistic options for changing that, you're naive. They can work to make one exploiter rich, or they can work to make a different exploiter rich. Or they can enter into their own business, get driven out of business by a mega-corporation, and end up right back at square one. Or they can try to invest their money in stocks and have it taken away from them by those with inside information or a trading 'edge,' which is what happens to most people who invest their own money.
I don't doubt you'll immediately point to those few examples of rags to riches stories, assured that this tiny percentage of success stories legitimizes your argument. But it doesn't. In a feudal society, or in a militaristic 'communism,' you also stand a tiny percentage chance of becoming a person of great wealth and importance. But it is tiny.
Capitalism looks real good on paper. It makes everyone feel that with some dedication and ability they can rise to the top and enter into the wealthy circles they envy. But just like communism, it's a good idea on paper that won't work out for the vast majority. If it did, the system would flop. Capitalism depends on most people serving those who rise to the top. And those servants don't have a significant REALISTIC chance of escaping their role.
in capitalism, you always have the opprotunity to live for yourself. Those who dont, dont. those who do, do. period.
Sure you do. Until you need money to buy food or pay for a place to live. Then you are no longer free to live for yourself. You are obligated to support yourself, and for most people, that will be by doing something you don't want to do. Why do you think there's a huge industry built around anti-depressants?
No artists dont always get paid the same. But why should they? It depends on how much people DEMAND your labor. The hard work you give and the profit from it depends on the field. artists can make more than doctors, by the way.
Of course they can. In fact, they can end up making a hell of a lot more than doctors or educators by rapping about being sexually aroused in a club. Not because society really needs people to rap about being sexually aroused in a club, mind you. Just more fuel for the fire, really.... something isn't right when you can make far more rapping about being sexually aroused in a club than most people who spend their days saving the lives of people who like to listen to rappers rapping about being sexually aroused in a club would make.
Capitalism is as flawed as communism? Well, in soviet russia people used to scramble just to get a slice of bread. They would wait in line on average 2 hours a day for all sorts of things. Capitalism has proven its self time and time again to be the superior economic system in comparison to socialism (since you all say communism never existed).
There you go again. Maybe if Soviet Russia didn't spend billions of dollars on a useless arms race, people wouldn't be scrambling to get a slice of bread. And I don't argue that capitalism is far superior to a dictatorship. I think a healthy society needs elements of both socialism and capitalism. Socialism combats greed and capitalism combats laziness. They complement each other. Ideally, you'd have a society where people can become wealthier than their peers through initiative, but where they can not become exorbitantly wealthy at the expense of the majority. The profit motive would continue to exist; you just wouldn't get such an enormous distinction between haves and have nots.
The most wealthy people in this country hold most of the wealth, but theres so much wealth because were capitalist that it dosent make life bad for other people.
It makes life really bad for the people upon whom the system is built. Where do you think all that crap we buy comes from? Thin air? Why do we get it for reasonable prices?
Maintaining the status quo is the biggest criticism of socialism, because theres no reason to innovate. as long as people keep getting what they need, why should they up the ante?
Because there are better ways of getting what you need. And frankly, if everyone in the world WAS getting what they needed, it would be far better than millions not getting what they need so a few can own multiple estates and dine on jewel-encrusted cookware.
greed is good. I love greed.
Yeah, we get it. And we get it. ;)
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