[QUOTE="x_Martyr_x"]There is a perfect example of an individual that knows nothing yet will turn nasty and bitter in order to defend his blind following of something he does't understand. people like this will use the excuse that we need a degree in economics, (which is an education system set up following certain guidelines), in order to understand how the world works.pkcRAISTLIN
its amazing how many uneducated "internet detectives" feel they know more than all the relevant experts in fields they remain quite ignorant in. whether its economics, structural engineering, climate science etc- they read some random bollocks from a single author or blog and suddenly they know more than people who have spent their lives studying the field. the arrogance they display is quite incredible.
10 characteristics of conspiracy theorists
A useful guide by Donna Ferentes
6. Inability to tell good evidence from bad. Conspiracy theorists have no place for peer-review, for scientific knowledge, for the respectability of sources. The fact that a claim has been made by anybody, anywhere, is enough for them to reproduce it and demand that the questions it raises be answered, as if intellectual enquiry were a matter of responding to every rumour. While they do this, of course, they will claim to have "open minds" and abuse the sceptics for apparently lacking same.
im sorry, but this "fool" knows more than you will ever know, and i can understand how this would bother you some. most of these stuck up brats think because they had to take out a massive education loan that they are some sort of intellect who we all have to rely on in order to understand things. the ironic thing is, most of you who took that loan, (or had rich parents pay your way) so you could learn how to make a corrupt system seem legit. i got news for you; third world citizens who carry jugs of water on their head know more about world politics than you.x_Martyr_x
luckily for me im an australian, so we don't need to pay off massive loan, because we realise that a publicly-funded education is a sound investment in our country's future. as someone above me said, you just sound jealous coz you couldn't afford to go to school, and instead of a well-rounded education i have no doubt that you're educated by films like zeitgeist, random authors with whom you give unwarranted faith in (such as john perkins) whilst ignoring the real evidence and argument concerning relevant issues.
now im going to do you a favour, and tell you a book to read : The Confessions of an Economic Hitman. go see what one man who worked for the US government had to say about the "free market", straight from the horses mouth. i know most of you hate this part, having to actually do research, coming from somewhere else besides a lying institution that turns you into a corporate slave.x_Martyr_x
yes, ive read excerpts from the book, which is only ever peddled by other conspiracy theorist sheep like yourself. unsubstantiated claims does not equal evidence, but i love how your ilk clings so tightly to nonsense and fantasy because your confirmation bias won't let you do otherwise.
Columnist Sebastian Mallaby of the Washington Post reacted sharply to Perkins' book: "This man is a frothing conspiracy theorist, a vainglorious peddler of nonsense, and yet his book, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, is a runaway bestseller." Mallaby, who spent 13 years writing for the London Economist and wrote a critically well-received biography of World Bank chief James Wolfensohn, holds that Perkins' conception of international finance is "largely a dream" and that his "basic contentions are flat wrong."For instance he points out that Indonesia reduced its infant mortality and illiteracy rates by two-thirds after economists persuaded its leaders to borrow money in 1970 (in defense of Perkins, Mallaby is mistaking correlation for causation). He also disputes Perkins' claim that 51 of the top 100 world economies belong to companies. A value-added comparison done by the UN, he says, shows the number to be 29.
as i have posted already, you can spot the conspiracy theorist simply by watching tell you that to understand an issue (such as global economics) all you need to do is read this one book and everything will be clear. serious LOL. some people understand that the world is a complicated place, and others (normally those that never made it to university) feel that youtube and prisonplanet is a substitute for real, academic endeavour. then they jealousy defend their ignorance as we have just seen martyr just do.
i blame the internet, it makes some of these people feel they are experts in a myriad of chosen fields. when you're sick, do you go to a doctor or to the guy that watches medical shows on the discovery channel? lol.
awesome, not only did you fail in properlly adressing any of the points i came up with, you also failed in coming up with any evidence that i should take you seriously. i don't blame you though, you have so little to work with. how funny is it that you blame the internet, if it were up to people like you we would only get our information from one source. nevermind that, its not like any of what you said was logical.
also, im a university student and i think zeitgeist is disinfomation peddled to lure people from finding out the real truth. say goodbye to your little stereotype.
before even attempting to draw another response out of me know that :
1. there is not alot i can learn from you, ive been where you are and if i brought myself to your level knowledge wise i would have to unlearn years of additional research.
2. you must be getting unsure of yourself, because you have resorted to trying to label me as "jealous". what do i have to be jealous of? you? you must think pretty highly of yourself. the only emotion i feel is anger, because its because of people like you that things will not only never get better, but progressively worse.
3. i really only came into this thread so some people can learn something they might not have known, unlike you who attacked me personally to feed your bloated ego. let me tell you a secret : people like you are a dime a dozen and i've heard your side of the story a million times. at least this way some people can hear some views they would not normally get to hear.
ps. your whole little cut and paste job about the criticism of Perkin's book is meaningless. he also recieved threats on his life, so it would not suprize me if people out there disagreed with him. but since you seem to think i got my views from one book, i got a few more for you, written by Noam Chomsky.
pss. using complex words unecessarily does not make you sound smart; it just sounds like jargon. especially since your posting lacks any real substance.
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