It's a horribly and unrectifiably cluttered garbage pile of useless crap and office detritus of the highest order. But it also contains vital connections to how my life goes operates.
Getting back to how cluttered it is, think about how many pop-ups, useless "Punch President Bush and win a prize" ads, and "If you want a bigger ****, click here" spam emails have been produced. Think about it. Seriously, stand up, rub your chin stubble (even the females) and think about it. Someone had to make all those annoying things.
How any man hours have been used up creating this worthless garbage, that could've been spent in a productive, meaningful way in society?
On the other hand, I pay my bills via the internet, I harangue you guys via the internet, I do research for school and work via the internet, I keep in touch with people via the internet. So much of my life would be drastically different if not for the internet.
I have a love-hate relationship with the Internet. Currently, I weighing the pros and cons of the Internet and based on my findings I may boycott the Internet so as not to encourage such inefficient and pointless usage of man's greatest technological creation.
Feelings on my current conundrum?
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