Take a duck egg. A fertilized duck egg. Incubate it until the duck fetus gets big and healthy and mature and feathery. Boil duck egg. Then eat duck egg.
Procedure for eating balut: first, tap a small hole in the shell. Put this hole up to your mouth and suck out the dead duck fetus juice.
Next, after you've sucked the egg dry, peel off the shell. Now eat the remaining white and yolk. This part doesn't taste THAT bad. Mostly just tastes like egg. But it's still pretty gross. Since this stuff has a dead duck fetus attached to it, the white and yolk are full of huge thick blood-filled veins.
Finally, eat the dead duck fetus. By this point the futus should be mostly fully formed, and should look like an actual baby duck. Complete with feathers, bones, an anus, a beak...I think you get the picture. Now you eat the duck. Remember when you were a kid and you'd eat Gummi Bears? Same principle. Except that the Gummi Bears taste like candy and aren't full of intestines, feathers, and bones. Do you bite off the head and work your way down to the cloaca? Maybe eat the anus first and work your way up to the brains. Or perhaps you'll start at the abdomen and slurp up the intestines first. You could hollow the duck out from the inside, and then finish off with the feather-filled skin.
Doesn't really matter which way you eat it. At this point, however you decide to eat the duck, it's 100% disguting.
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