The earth's atmosphere is a very very large system. It extends from below the ground a few feet to over 20 miles up. Its volume is staggering. It is affected by things as close as volcanos, to something as far away as the sun. As an engineer, I can tell you that even with the computing capacity we have today, we don't have anywhere near the ability to accurately model the earth's atmosphere. We don't even fully understand all the variables involved that affect it. We don't have any way to measure how much water falls from the sky to the ground around the earth on a given day, week, month. We don't even know how to begin to calculate an approximation of it. Same goes for cloud cover, geothermal energy/gas releases, etc etc. All these things make up just a part of the atmosphere's feedback mechanisms. Furthermore, we have such an extremely limited perspective on the earth's climate from the standpoint of time. Our recorded history goes back maybe 5000 years. That is less than a blink of an eye relative to the earth's age. Yes, we have some ability to look further back than our recorded history via ice cores and the rock record, but that only gives us data points, not context as to what might have been responsible for the data.
My bottom line is this: It is the ultimate arrogance for man to assume that he is even a significant driving force in the overall climate of this planet. That doesn't mean we should all be stupid and irresponsible and pollute as much as we want. It does mean that we can continue to improve our standard of living by harnessing the energy sources available to us, while continuing to decrease the amount of waste we discard back in to nature.
And finally, any group of people that try to convince me that one of the gases I naturally exhale (CO2) is a pollutant gets no respect from me. Either you are an idiot, or you think I am and are trying to take advantage of that fact to abuse me somehow. Mount Pinatubo (spelling?) in the Phillipines erupted back in the late 80's, early 90's. It spewed more CO2 in to the atmosphere in 2 weeks than man has produced since the beginning of the industrial revolution. The result? Increased foliage around the world. Plants thrive on CO2 and emit O2 in return.
I know you younger folks are especially getting this man-made global warming crap rammed down your throats. And it seems appealing to believe it and then go around telling older people how your generation gets it and will save the planet from the previous generation's misuse. Just do yourself a favor and keep an open mind. There are people out there that will mislead you in order to advance their own agenda.
"If you're not a liberal when you're 20, you have no heart. If you're not a conservative when you're 40, you have no brain." - Winston Churchill.
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