I'm from the UK and voted for Barack Obama because he's black and has an unusual name.1005
Thank god you cant vote then...
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I wonder how many people who answered this are actually of age to vote.
I am a republican and I find myself looking more and more at Romey. But Bill Richardson is very interesting. Obama will not wil neither will Hillary. I just do not think either one has the right stuff to do it.If you look at every president everyone has an American/English sounding name. Obamahas that against him. Hillary has Bill dragging her down.
Here is my prediction Romey/Ginrich vsEdwards/Obama.
I'm one of the ones who answered that is of age to vote. I'm also Republican and as such I'd like to see Huckabee get the nomination. I will be absolutely destroyed if I see Guliani or Thompson get it. Romney seems too unreliable for my liking (change in stance on abortion and the fact that illegal immigrants worked on his property). Huckabee has a certain compassion while remaining firm (not to mention he is articulate compared to the others) and his pledged reform of the tax policy are what mainly won me over.I wonder how many people who answered this are actually of age to vote.
I am a republican and I find myself looking more and more at Romey. But Bill Richardson is very interesting. Obama will not wil neither will Hillary. I just do not think either one has the right stuff to do it.If you look at every president everyone has an American/English sounding name. Obamahas that against him. Hillary has Bill dragging her down.
Here is my prediction Romey/Ginrich vsEdwards/Obama.
it will be clinton/obama vs rudy/huckabee and rudy will win.
Lolz at the people voting for Obama. he doesn't have any experience and will get laughed off the international stage (during a war). Hillary will not win because too many people hate her and they don't want to pay 55% of thier income to the government.
[QUOTE="goldenpony"]I'm one of the ones who answered that is of age to vote. I'm also Republican and as such I'd like to see Huckabee get the nomination. I will be absolutely destroyed if I see Guliani or Thompson get it. Romney seems too unreliable for my liking (change in stance on abortion and the fact that illegal immigrants worked on his property). Huckabee has a certain compassion while remaining firm (not to mention he is articulate compared to the others) and his pledged reform of the tax policy are what mainly won me over.I wonder how many people who answered this are actually of age to vote.
I am a republican and I find myself looking more and more at Romey. But Bill Richardson is very interesting. Obama will not wil neither will Hillary. I just do not think either one has the right stuff to do it.If you look at every president everyone has an American/English sounding name. Obamahas that against him. Hillary has Bill dragging her down.
Here is my prediction Romey/Ginrich vsEdwards/Obama.
huckabee is the best choice for a true conservative, but I don't think he can stand up to clinton's political tactics. he most likely will be vp.
Huckabee is too far on the outside. I like his stance on plenty of the issues, but he won't pull enough. Ron Paul is another who has a great stance on the issues I hold close, but he too won't win.
Thompson is dead in the water. Rudi won't have enough to pull him through. Richardson will suprise everyone in Iowa. He said third place will be the place to be in Iowa and I think he might be right.
No matter what I will never vote for Hillary or Obama. My sister is registered Republican in Illinois. She said she will vote in the Democratic primary just to vote against Hillary.
Barak Obama
i theres no reason that i would pick him over Edwards but i dont like Hillary because we already had 8 years of a clinton and i dont think she would be the best.
Giuliani is ok but he has become more conservative since he started running, and i dont like that.
Romney and other Republicans are too conservative.
Of the democrats i just dont think any of the second tier candidates have a chance
None of those candidates sound interesting.
My parents are hoping Fred Thompson makes the cut in, and I'm looking around about him.
Aside from that it sounds like picking the lesser of many evils.
Ron Paul is the one gleam of hope in this election. He is adopting true republican beliefs, believe it or not republicans are traditionally anti-war. The Republicans were elected to stop the Korean War, the Republicans were elected to stop the Vietnam War. Ron Paul supports the pull out in Iraq.
Look, just watch this video, it's not long, and you shouldn't be voting if you aren't informed of all possible options, and this will make you a bit more informed:
I have no problem with the 'mold' of today. As I said before, no matter who's in office, we're screwed. B05T0N
Gravel, kucinich, and ron paul have a record to prove they are honest and stand for real principles. If we stop electing liars then we are no longer screwed. This is a government of sellouts today. We have legalized bribery, corporate lobbyists bundling millions at the snap of a finger. They are allowed to run this country, they've bought off both parties. They support the most slimy and slick liars they can to give the appearence that things are ok. They aren't ok/ Today's politicians are awful. There are a couple of them telling the truth, cheifly Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich, and they get marginalized for trivial reasons. They get shutout by the MSM and corporate america. These corporate fascists want nothing less than to maintain this corrupt system under which they dominate society. But you just passively accept this and continue to support it.
Examine whats going on. They fund needless wars, and the sheep people don't care. They take away civil liberties, you people dont care. They spend our tax dollars rampantly on pork, the IRS codebook is stack of loopholes for wealthy and connected interests able to fund their way into an earmark, and you people dont care. We have a 9 trillion dollar national debt and you people don't care. You should care that the dollar is plunging because of this irresponsibility! Corporations dump loads of toxins into major every water system in the country causing cancer and you don't care... There are problems all over the place, and your people won't change anything. Maybe gamespot isn't the place for this type of intelligent discussion but if you want to exchange the facts of the system as it stands today, I welcome it.
I have no problem with the 'mold' of today. As I said before, no matter who's in office, we're screwed. PrimordialMeme
Gravel, kucinich, and ron paul have a record to prove they are honest and stand for real principles. If we stop electing liars then we are no longer screwed. This is a government of sellouts today. We have legalized bribery, corporate lobbyists bundling millions at the snap of a finger. They are allowed to run this country, they've bought off both parties. They support the most slimy and slick liars they can to give the appearence that things are ok. They aren't ok/ Today's politicians are awful. There are a couple of them telling the truth, cheifly Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich, and they get marginalized for trivial reasons. They get shutout by the MSM and corporate america. These corporate fascists want nothing less than to maintain this corrupt system under which they dominate society. But you just passively accept this and continue to support it.
Examine whats going on. They fund needless wars, and the sheep people don't care. They take away civil liberties, you people dont care. They spend our tax dollars rampantly on pork, the IRS codebook is stack of loopholes for wealthy and connected interests able to fund their way into an earmark, and you people dont care. We have a 9 trillion dollar national debt and you people don't care. You should care that the dollar is plunging because of this irresponsibility! Corporations dump loads of toxins into major every water system in the country causing cancer and you don't care... There are problems all over the place, and your people won't change anything. Maybe gamespot isn't the place for this type of intelligent discussion but if you want to exchange the facts of the system as it stands today, I welcome it.
Why should I vote for Ron Paul?
I have no problem with the 'mold' of today. As I said before, no matter who's in office, we're screwed. Decessus
Gravel, kucinich, and ron paul have a record to prove they are honest and stand for real principles. If we stop electing liars then we are no longer screwed. This is a government of sellouts today. We have legalized bribery, corporate lobbyists bundling millions at the snap of a finger. They are allowed to run this country, they've bought off both parties. They support the most slimy and slick liars they can to give the appearence that things are ok. They aren't ok/ Today's politicians are awful. There are a couple of them telling the truth, cheifly Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich, and they get marginalized for trivial reasons. They get shutout by the MSM and corporate america. These corporate fascists want nothing less than to maintain this corrupt system under which they dominate society. But you just passively accept this and continue to support it.
Examine whats going on. They fund needless wars, and the sheep people don't care. They take away civil liberties, you people dont care. They spend our tax dollars rampantly on pork, the IRS codebook is stack of loopholes for wealthy and connected interests able to fund their way into an earmark, and you people dont care. We have a 9 trillion dollar national debt and you people don't care. You should care that the dollar is plunging because of this irresponsibility! Corporations dump loads of toxins into major every water system in the country causing cancer and you don't care... There are problems all over the place, and your people won't change anything. Maybe gamespot isn't the place for this type of intelligent discussion but if you want to exchange the facts of the system as it stands today, I welcome it.
Why should I vote for Ron Paul?
Because he comes across as a fairly genuine person. You should respect that.
[QUOTE="Engrish_Major"]Because he comes across as a fairly genuine person. You should respect that.
Lots of people are genuine, that doesn't mean they are qualified to be President of the United States.
RP is good b/c he would veto all the needless spending of today, he could use the podium as president to change the national paradigm to a constitutional government that respects individual liberty. He would work to end the infringments on civil liberties we have going on today. The dollar is a big issue. We have a falling dollar because our fiscally irresponsible politicians have allowed a 9 trillion dollar national debt, and its still expanding. You can't cure the problem by creating more of the problem.
[QUOTE="Norg"]i want hillary clinton to be are next prez because BIll clinton will get to throw his two cents in
plus times where wayyy more better and peaceful when clinton was president
It wasn't as peacefull as you might think.
Clinton ran a fairly neoconservative administration, but people get confused when they compare it to the current bush years because they are comparing a very awful president to the worst president of all time.
I really like John Edwards. I don't know what his personal stance is on a lot of issues, but he comes across as a fairly genuine person and I respect that.Decessus
You should research him, Edwards is a traditional slime ball. He voted for the iraq war and the patriot act, now he says he's against them. He voted for the WTO but now he acts like he is intensely anti-corporate. He has admitted to smoking weed but hasn't done a thing as a senator to prevent others from being punished by the laws he was able to successfully evade, and apparently didn't need. This guy is a giant hypocrite, a real lawyer type.
lol half of the people voting for Paul don't even know his policies, they are just voting for him because their punk friends are.Dopemonk736
Thats true, but you have to understand why Ron Paul has such a fanatic base, its for a reason. Some of his policies are so important they can't be overlooked. Govt spending and abuse of liberties are major issues, and most candidates could give a rats ace about these issues. As for whats too extreme, it won't have an effect. As president he is only one branch of government so anything too extreme will be overridden by congress. He would be far better than any other republican candidate. He's the only conservative running.
[QUOTE="Decessus"]I really like John Edwards. I don't know what his personal stance is on a lot of issues, but he comes across as a fairly genuine person and I respect that.PrimordialMeme
You should research him, Edwards is a traditional slime ball. He voted for the iraq war and the patriot act, now he says he's against them. He voted for the WTO but now he acts like he is intensely anti-corporate. He has admitted to smoking weed but hasn't done a thing as a senator to prevent others from being punished by the laws he was able to successfully evade, and apparently didn't need. This guy is a giant hypocrite, a real lawyer type.
Since you seem to be somewhat of a Ron Paul supporter, how do you respond to the fact that he doesn't believe in the seperation of Church and State?
[QUOTE="1005"]I'm from the UK and voted for Barack Obama because he's black and has an unusual name.B05T0N
As i said i'm from the UK so i don't really have any idea what the candidates policies are so i picked at random and thought i better give some reason why, so i did. President Obama just sounds funny to me lol.
Since you seem to be somewhat of a Ron Paul supporter, how do you respond to the fact that he doesn't believe in the seperation of Church and State?
Lets make it clear he doesn't support a full merger between church and state he supports federalist principles which would grant options to specific states in the nation to excercise their free will. I don't support federalism for that use, personally, but what he's advocated to that issue doesn't bother me much. If you'll notice, he hasn't really advocated this point during his presidential bid. Its not a key to his platform at all.
So yes, he has supported the freedom of states to allow prayer in school and teach creationism. That is one part of his policies I don't support personally, but it doesn't concern me as a really important issue compared to the issues of individual liberty and fiscal responsiblity.
lol half of the people voting for Paul don't even know his policies, they are just voting for him because their punk friends are.Dopemonk736
I know where he stands on all his policies and I agree with him. Most RP supporters know where he stands but they support him anyway. His ideas are pupular more so than the man himself.
I'm supporting Obama atm.jackvegas21
Obama might be better than most of the democrats, but he is far more mainstream than his supporters are willing to admit. He is just this canvas people have tried to paint all their hopes on, but the problem is that I don't see him standing too forcefully for anything and that scares me. That means he is more of the same. His slogan about changing washington seems more like a bumper sticker than a philosophy from him. He sounds so calculating and fake in his speaking style, I can't trust him.
Obama all the way..Love his books, and his speeches feel like they are from movies...Like those movie speeches that raise the hairs on the back of your neck, every time I listen to an Obama speech it's like that, and honestly I think great speakers are great leaders.... I mean any effective leader I know can speak really well...It's not always true, but for the most part it is.
And I think he's just an honest guy. I think he wants to be president because he'd enjoy it, and wants to do a lot for our country. Other people seem like they have other motives, while Obama just seems true...
I'm glad to see he's actually outdoing Hillary in some polls now, and I think these Hillary scandals will hurt her (like the Republican debate thing).
I used to think Rudy was a great guy, but he's said some really disgusting things lately, and I just don't like him at all. If a Republican wins I want it to be Ron Paul because he's pretty much a Democrat and another cool guy.
i want hillary clinton to be are next prez because BIll clinton will get to throw his two cents in
plus times where wayyy more better and peaceful when clinton was president
Thats cause Clinton didn't do anything except have an affiar and pass some gun law..
ron paul, PSYCHE! Hillary. :)gorilazandgamesYou went from General Tarkin to Fem-Nazi. I hope you're proud of yourself.
[QUOTE="dipper145"]Jeff Gurstman for president!Juggernaut140
No! I was going to say that! :cry:
I agree :D
He's got my vote- at least he's proven honest which is more than any politician can say.
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