[QUOTE="Planet_Pluto"][QUOTE="racer8dan"]Not everyone, it's up to the parents. I've never had a shot in my life and never will. I didn't read the article, but as long as it's an opt in not an opt out, because it should always be a choice. The government nor anyone else should have the power to tell me what I put into my body, because my body belongs to me!
You'd like to think so, wouldn't ya.BUT...... once there is a truly government run, socialized healthcare system, where you either take part and obay all rules or get fined or otherwise penalized, and the gubment says "take this vaccine or else".............. well, you can see where I'm going with this.
About shots/vaccines in general....
Our son, just moments after being born, literally before he was even dressed for the first time,was given a vitamin K shot. Before leaving the hospital he also received his hepatitis shot. So, I'm not at all against vaccines/booster shots that have been tested over a substantial time so I can review some hard data. However, I will NEVER submit my son to a "new" vaccine in the first 'bunch of years' that it is out on the market. Let other parents put their kids up as lab rats first, if they choose to do so.
And just to add (because I saw another thread about this topic), my son will NOT be receiving the HPV shot.
Would you get your kid a flu shot?I would. I actually never had a flu shot myself, until about two moths ago because the little was was soon to arrive.I actually received the shot at my wife's OB/GYN's office..... which made me think..... since they gave me a shot and I had to sign off on it..... so now they have a file for me...... Does that mean I have a gynecologist? :lol:
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