MARCH 15, 2005 – Everyone talks about the drug problem in our country and, you know, the War on Drugs, but then how come we embrace... even encourage... the use of our most widely abused narcotic. By the age of five, virtually all of our citizens are already addicted to it. Our congressmen and women and Senators allow this drug to guide their debates. You can not go out in public without being exposed to this drug; virtually none of our citizens can bear to be home without using it....
And I mean all forms of TV. Like coca leaves progressed to cocaine and then to crack, TV has also progressed, from 13" black and white boxes to larger and larger screens, color, and now 27" high definition, surround-sound; from 13 basic channels to cable TV, VCR's, video games, one thousand channel digital TV, and now, the crack of TV, the boundless internet. And still it's not enough -- you feel like there's one-thousand channels and nothing's on -- the promised high, like with all drugs, remains endlessly elusive, as your life is sucked away from you, as you sit staring at a box....
Our nation went to war against a nation that didn't attack us because of WMD's that didn't exist. We've lost over a thousand, killed tens of thousands for a mistake.
But the point isn't any of these issues, it is that politicians - of both parties - are now aware that you can do whatever you want and the American people will do nothing about it. They know that all they have to do is give you some excuse to be inactive, to not respond, and you will take it, because you just don't want anything interrupting your TV time.
They can irradiate our food, put hormones and antibiotics in our meat - all this happened under Clinton, not Bush - and no one will do anything. They can work you 60 hours a week, hand all of the nation's money to a few wealthy people, knowingly kill 18,000 innocent Americans each year by rolling back pollution controls, and they know people won't do anything. The excuses and justifications they give for these things are obviously transparent, but like with all drug addicts, the TV addicts of America are not looking for the right answer but just any excuse to not be interrupted in their using.
Indeed, there are now laws that exist which make it illegal for our children to do anything but sit home and watch TV at night; they will get arrested if they go out the door due to curfews. These laws did not exist like they do prior to 1986. The government has made it illegal for your child to leave the house, and you have done nothing.
There are lots of you there who want to blame George W. Bush for what is happening to our nation. Many of you want to call liberals the problem.
The reality is it is all of us.
I think it's interesting that this article is from 2005. Over three years old. And what has anyone done about anything? Nothing at all. People can warn us and warn us about how we are harming ourselves and we don't even listen. And here it is now, 2008. Have we changed anything? No. We are all guilty of everything this article suggests. You and I both.
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