What really surprises me, is the people who subjectively believe the bible.
This means: they pick and choose parts of the bible to believe.
What I mean by this being a bad thing is... The Bible is ither real or fiction, if you choose to believe "parts" of it, your ignoring the fact that the other parts you believe as falsities. Why not understand that the bible is not written on factual truths?
Now, don't get me wrong, the bible is a great book... a great fiction.
It has some good virtues in it and some good morals to learn, but in no way is this book conveying any factual truths.
Lets start with the biggest mis-conception.
The Bible was written by "god".
Now, if the bible was written by god, and god is supposidly (by judao-christian beliefs) all loving and all caring, then please explain to me the story of noah and the ark. God kills all humanity and forces Noah to save 2 animals of each? This obviously prooves one of two things. Ither your "god" is evil, or he didn't write this and it is a lie. (If you don't think this one story is enough to proove "god's" evilness or the bible being a lie, look up the story of the Tower of Babel, and other such ridiculousness).
Now lets move on, because you guys won't believe that "god" is evil, we'll say that the bible wasn't written by him, and instead man.
Well now, if the bible was written by man, then obviously it is not perfect by any means.
Lets now consider your beliefs.... If this was written by a man, why would he write it? What would he have to gain...?
The simple answer.
The Judao-Christian Religions were created to control society, to get them to live as the rulers seen fit.
Think about this, if you didn't have forensics, or any kind of science to catch theives, murders, liers and sexual deviants, what could you do?
EASY, you live in a time when people believe anything you throw at them!
So you make up a belief, and in this belief, you craft those things you do not want them doing into the 10 Commandments.
To seal it all, you make the first, "You must believe this."
Now... Wait, how does that stop anything? Simple in your belief if you break any of these rules, YOU GO TO HELL.
Hell? Whats Hell?
Oh, just this place where you suffer burn and choke and scream and cry and live in eternal torture and agony.
Perfect way to control the masses.
and if you don't believe me that Religion has been used to control the masses, look at fundamentalist Muslims, or the Crusades, or when King James re-wrote the bible.
The funniest thing of it all is. Millions of people still believe this outdated form of control, and its gone so far, that its almost drilled into humanity. These old agendas from Roman Emperors and Medieval Kings, still controlling the 21st Century, its hillarious if you ask me.
Some quotes to end this off.
"What is it the Bible teaches us? - raping, cruelty, and murder. What is it the New Testament teaches us? - to believe that the Almighty committed debauchery with a woman engaged to be married, and the belief of this debauchery is called faith."
[Thomas Paine]
"It will not do to investigate the subject of religion too closely, as it is apt to lead to infidelity."
[Abraham Lincoln]
"The Bible has noble poetry in it... and some good morals and a wealth of obscenity, and upwards of a thousand lies."
[Mark Twain]"Religion only serves to bring one truth of humanity to light, history repeats itself, where history is the idiocy of man."
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