The Science Behind Religion

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#51 tequilasunriser
Member since 2004 • 6379 Posts

The bible is a book of moriality guidelines that people took too far. The bible is just a guide to help assist people into living a better life. Then sects and cults came along and made it into something far bigger than it actually is... religion.

Now the the religions that use this 2000+ year old tool exploit it's teaching to strike fear into their followers to keep them believing. To keep them loyal out of fear. Fear that they will be sent to eternal damnation.

F that $#!%. I'd rather live my short life free and not like a caged corn-fed animal.

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#52 elblanquito_81
Member since 2007 • 4356 Posts


also, who said Voodoo is fake? that's never proven to be fake at all and black magic is something that can be found all over the world in all cultures throughout all time. you can say it isn't real, but what proof do you have? have you witnessed it first hand? and the fact is, people followed Jesus because unlike other people pretending to be Messiahs, he did something that convinced them he was the real thing, otherwise he would be just another nameless wannabe like the rest. yeah, there is no proof he performed miracles because you weren't born there at the time to witness it, but does that mean he didn't?

you call me ignorant for saying I believe Jesus performed miracles, and just state they're fake, yet have no proof. Rifkin-

Oh you've convinced me with this sound argument. Infact actually, I'm going to start believing in the Sasquatch, the El Chupacabra, Elves, Dwarves, Thor, Hades, Zeus, Wicca as well!

I mean, cmon now, how can I possibly proove these things to be false, as its actually logically impossible!

I suppose you've got me there, checkmate!

But first, I'd like you to proove the miracles to me. Because it seems a bit silly to believe in something just because someone said it happened. Give me some proof, and I'll believe.

Why do you need proof of miracles to in orderto start believing? You either do or you don't. There's a reason why it's called Faith.

And why ask someone to show you proof of something that happened over 2 thousand years ago when you yourself said you can't comeupwith any evidence they didn't happen.

It's ok if you don't believe in any higher power, there's nothing wrong with that. But it becomes a problem when you start bashing someone else's religion and making claims that you just can't back up.

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#53 darkmoney52
Member since 2004 • 4332 Posts
Well, I don't think the TC posted anything that hasn't already been posted in a thousand message boards(I'm actually pretty sure I've heard people say"It's a great FICTION" about fifty times by now), but seeing as the argument is already going I guess I'll contribute; I don't have any problem with religeon, but I do agree it's a little strange to believe in some parts of the bible but not the others. If you're just believing in selective parts that believe in you than is it really christianity anymore? It souns like at that point you don't really need a bible at all.
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#54 warriortyson
Member since 2005 • 6339 Posts

[QUOTE="kbubba92"]i coulda sworn that the ten commandments taught us to do good...Rifkin-

Here are the commandments AS WRITTEN IN THE BIBLE.

1Do not have any other gods before Me.

Sounds kinda demanding eh? What happened to free choice? (Also, this is how they checkmate you into their religion)

2You shall not make for yourself an idol, whether in the form of anything that is in heaven above, or that is on the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, punishing children for the iniquity of parents, to the third and the fourth generation of those who reject me,but showing steadfast love to the thousandth generation of those who love me and keep my commandments.

He admits he's a jealous god? Interesting, sounds more like a man than a god.

3You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not acquit anyone who misuses his name.

Apparently you will be condemned for misusing his name, good thing his original name was Yahweh! (Once again, sounds more like a man than an all loving, all forgiving god)

4Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.

For six days you shall labour and do all your work.

But the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God; you shall not do any work-you, your son or your daughter, your male or female slave, your livestock, or the alien resident in your towns. For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but rested the seventh day; therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and consecrated it.

Once again telling us what to do? What happened to free will you spoke of? Guess that doesn't matter. Also if you notice, god condones the usage of slaves??? WTF Mate?

5Honor your father and your mother, so that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.

And if your mother and father beat you? Rape you? Molest you? Suppose your out of luck. With that even standing aside, this respect is once again being forced upon you, what happened to free will?

6You shall not murder.

Common Sense.

7You shall not commit adultery.

Apparently you're not allowed to have more than one mate... yet other creations of his do this? Strange eh.

8You shall not steal.

Common Sense. How about religion puts this to use and stop stealing the morals of society.

9You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour.

Strange, this one is the biggest hypocrisy, as Religion is the biggest lie in human history.

10You shall not covet your neighbour's house; you shall not covet your neighbour's wife, or male or female slave, or ox, or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbour.

Ah, the green-eyed monster. This one is also common sense.

The truth about this is, we don't need these rules anymore, because people know what is right and wrong without someone spoon-feeding it to them.

The only religious rule I agree with is Confucius's Golden Rule. In lamen "Treat others as you would like to be treated."
(and no, Jesus didn't make that one up, he borrowed it from Confucius.)

1. You have free choice, but this commandment makes sense because you cannot serve two masters. It says in the Bible that if a man has 2 masters, he will love one and despise the other.

2. God wrote this commandment because if you make for yourself an idol you are making another god (which ties to 1st commandment) and you cannot serve two masters.

3. This commandment is to show respect for the Lord. If you love somebody dearly you would not use their name while swearing if you stubbed your toe.

4. This was written because God knows that people need time to rest andrecuperate from life. If man works relentlessly without breaks he will soon burn out and is useless. This commandment is good because everybody wants to be able to relax and appreciate life.

5. If your parent(s) rape you or anything like that they are not true fathers and mothers. It is written in the Bible that fathers shall not provoke their children to anger. Parents are supposed to be nurturing their children, getting them ready for the world and to be helpful people insociety. Respecting your parents is a first step in children maturing into adults.

7. God said this because marriage between a man and his wife is sacred, it is a blessed gift by God. When two marry, the Bible says that they are not two pieces, but become like one flesh. The man loves the wife as he loves himself, and the woman loves the man as she does herself. Committing adultery rips the two and destroys and gift from God.

8. The morals of our society are based from these 10 Commandments as well as the Golden Rule.

9. I can't see how religion is the biggest lie in history, since you don;t have proof for this claim.

We need the commandments because if we take them away and go along based on what everybody thinks is right and wrong, you are taking away the authority that keeps people from doing evil or wrong decisions. People will think it would be good to lie or steal, because they think it is good orokayto do that. Not all people have balanced points of view on good and bad decisions. You are assuming that all people will be as knowledgeable or smart as you are in determining good and bad.

And the Golden Rule, Jesus said this was the second most important commandment after love the Lord God will all your heart, all you mind, and all your soul. Love your neighbour as you love yourself.

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#55 warriortyson
Member since 2005 • 6339 Posts

The bible is a book of moriality guidelines that people took too far. The bible is just a guide to help assist people into living a better life. Then sects and cults came along and made it into something far bigger than it actually is... religion.

Now the the religions that use this 2000+ year old tool exploit it's teaching to strike fear into their followers to keep them believing. To keep them loyal out of fear. Fear that they will be sent to eternal damnation.

F that $#!%. I'd rather live my short life free and not like a caged corn-fed animal.


I agree that the Churchs throughout these 2000 or so years have taken away the true meaning of the Bible. But I think that the Bible not only gives moral lessons, it also gives advice on every part of life, and helps put us on a path through life that will make us better people and ultimately bring us to heaven with the Lord. When man is ever involved, there are bound to be corruptions and the like. The Bible and the lessons in there are supposed to make us as Christians love life and appreciate all the gifts and blessing the God has given us. Nowadays the idea is that if you are Christian or something then suddenly you have a dull or sad life and have to walk around with a sad face on. The complete opposite is true. It makes life so much more beautiful because you know that there is a Creator and he loved humanity so much that he came to Earth as Jesus Christ and died for us so that our sins die with him and we are cleansed. Being Christian is not supposed to be scary or scare us into believing because theres a hell, but it is supposed to make us happy and joyous.

And I am sorry if you feel the tone is weird to anybody who is a non-believer, because I am typing as if I am typing to a fellow Christian.

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#56 kbubba92
Member since 2006 • 1273 Posts

The bible is a book of moriality guidelines that people took too far. The bible is just a guide to help assist people into living a better life. Then sects and cults came along and made it into something far bigger than it actually is... religion.

Now the the religions that use this 2000+ year old tool exploit it's teaching to strike fear into their followers to keep them believing. To keep them loyal out of fear. Fear that they will be sent to eternal damnation.

F that $#!%. I'd rather live my short life free and not like a caged corn-fed animal.


I agree that the Churchs throughout these 2000 or so years have taken away the true meaning of the Bible. But I think that the Bible not only gives moral lessons, it also gives advice on every part of life, and helps put us on a path through life that will make us better people and ultimately bring us to heaven with the Lord. When man is ever involved, there are bound to be corruptions and the like. The Bible and the lessons in there are supposed to make us as Christians love life and appreciate all the gifts and blessing the God has given us. Nowadays the idea is that if you are Christian or something then suddenly you have a dull or sad life and have to walk around with a sad face on. The complete opposite is true. It makes life so much more beautiful because you know that there is a Creator and he loved humanity so much that he came to Earth as Jesus Christ and died for us so that our sins die with him and we are cleansed. Being Christian is not supposed to be scary or scare us into believing because theres a hell, but it is supposed to make us happy and joyous.

And I am sorry if you feel the tone is weird to anybody who is a non-believer, because I am typing as if I am typing to a fellow Christian.

Agreed. And also, God is very forgiving. If you were to do wrong he will forgive you. Now I'm not saying that you can just murder people and steal things every day and at the end of the day just ask for forgiveness, because then God obviously knows that you are just using him. You feel me?