[QUOTE="dramaybaz"][QUOTE="Snipes_2"] Aren't you a Male though?Snipes_2
Did you miss the part where he said his mum and sister are doctors?.. They're Doctors in Saudi Arabia? I didn't read all the posts to be honest. I know several Saudi women who are getting or have earned degrees.
- My sister is doing Ortho Optics at St. Catherine's University.
- my cousin Jowahir is a recent graduate in Accounting who'se trying to get into a Master's program.
- my next cousin Muniera is almost done with highschool and wants to be a banker.
I can't think of what the female cousins want (i got so many of them it's really hard to keep track of them) but all the ones that i have met and known have gone on to do college or are planning on going college.
Quite the stark differnece to my grandma who is ignorant of the world (not in the bad way, she doesn't speak ill of people, it is like a very simple sort of mindset she has), and can't read. literally i this past summer i was sitting next to her showing her the internet and it was like she was dealing with a Martian. can't grasp it.
Then i have family friends like the *i would really rather not give their last name on some video game website*
- Leila is a PH.D doctor educated in the United States and is working in Saudi Arabia. one of my best child hood friends Mansour he recently got married to a nice beautiful wife Alia who is a Dentist in Riyadh.
- Khadjiah wants to be a seamstress (she really isn't forced into it, she really likes making clothes. turning her hobby into her career)
- her sister Noorah is doing Graphic Design and Journalism.
Finally i'll add that King Abdullah massive education plans is the a new construction called (at first King Abdullah University) was renamed by the King himself to Princess Noura University.
the scope of the project is to include laboratories and research centers and is aimed to do more then just Islamic studies and service industries for women. I.E. encourage entrance into the sciences. It is expected to support around 26,000 students.

Women do and can find it hard to get into the sciences right now, but that doesn't mean they cannot make it. they'll meet resistance from men. but as i recall the first to buck any old unwritten 'rule' will always meet resistance. the feminist movement in the West would not be called a social struggle if it was not.
Not to mention as a lot of people here who are anti-Islam or harsh critics of Islam forget that patriachial socieities (That's just about every civilization out there) have always had a history of being mysoginistic and chauvenistic. and not one of the Abrahamic religions is really all that kind to women (by modern day standards).
Finally I'll leave with two videos by the beautiful Queen Rania of Jordan...
Queen Rania on Arab women (should add that Kuwait recently elected 4 women to their parliment as well).
See what Arab women are up to
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