I already made a thread on the first major flaw in Christianity that caught my attention and eventually opened my eyes to how ridiculous the whole thing is. Here is the second major problem I noticed. This is when I officially stopped believing this stuff.
one of the key issues I found in Christianity is the story of the garden of Eden. Not the scienfitific inaccuracy but the apparent sinister, capricious nature of the diety described in it. Now, I know many Christians will say
"The garden of Eden story is symbolic. its not literal."
Well, I really dont see how that is possible. Without the garden of Eden and the "tree of knowledge," than there is no "original sin." Without it, there isnt a definitive fall of man, and therefore there is no legitimacy or necessity for Jesus' supposed sacrifice. The story of the garden of eden is vital to the Christian view of history, Christian theology, and the Christian world view. it cant simply be discarded. plus, Jesus himself clearly believed in this story as literal truth. So if someone wants to make the "symbolism" argument, I would love to see how you can back that up, considering that its pretty much the cornerstone of Christianity.
anyway, lets get to the issues with this story. we all know how it goes.
once upon a time, God created the garden of Eden. It was a wonderful magical place where there is no sin, corruption, death or pain. all the animals lived in perfect harmony. God gave the two humans one rule to follow. "Don't eat from the tree in the middle of the garden, or you will die." The humans, being the curious and stupid beings that they naturally are, ate from the tree with only a little coaxing from a certain snake. As soon as they ate the fruit, they realized that they were naked and that they had done "evil." god kicked them out of the garden and damned the entirety of mankind and womankind forever. And they all lived miserably ever after.
here are my problems with this
1)if god didnt want them to eat the fruit, why did he create it? Scratch that. why would he put it in the center of the garden? Scratch that. why would he make it something that they are already accustomed to eating? scratch that. the bible says that the fruit was even pleasing to the eye……. so, this is already pretty sketchy. God clearly wanted them to eat it or at least goad them towards it.
2) if god created all the animals at once, that means there were deer, lions, raptors, cows, buffalo and so on, all living together in harmony. dont you find it a little odd that he would give certain creatures fangs and claws and other features that exist for the sole purpose of being a predator? Why would these peaceful creatures need fangs with which to tear apart meat? And isn't it odd that he would design creatures with antlers, fast legs, and other adaptations to help them survive the predators? If he never intended for the fall of man, why would he set things up in such a way that these creatures are designed to be perfectly adept at killing each other? It sure looks like he was counting on the fall of man. Otherwise his creations would just have alot of useless features for all eternity. How embarrassing that would be.
3)Adam and Eve had no concept of the following things
-negative consequences. it is impossible for someone to be scared into obedience when they have no understanding of what anything negative (Eg. a punishment) is.
- pain. this goes along with the thing above.
- death. when god said "or else you will surely die," afterwards they were probably saying to each other "yeah. whatever the **** that means. lol"
-sin. they had to eat from the tree to know what sin actually was. isnt that a contradiction? you dont know something is bad until you have already done it? thats not very fair.
-lies. for all they knew, the snake was telling the truth. they didnt know what a lie even was. When they got these conflicting pieces of information, Im surprised their heads didnt explode.
4)it is unclear whether or not this snake and satan are the same person. If they are, why the **** did god let him into the garden? He knew there would be no defense from his trickery and power. As I discussed before, these humans didn't understand lies and trickery. Talk about a neglectful father. That's like letting a pedophile/rapist share a room with your 9 year old daughters.
5)after an eternity of lounging around this garden, did god honestly think that they would never get curious? Its in human nature from the start. That's why the tree was so tempting. We are curious creatures. It is part of our survival instincts. Putting a tree, which would cause the fall of mankind forever, smack dab in the middle of the garden, is like putting a gleaming, shiny "self destruct" button on a satellite filled with untrained monkeys. Its like leaving an open bottle of "draino" in a toddler's room. It is simply irresponsible.
So, if your god does exist, it is clear that he was hell-bent on bringing about the fall of man from the beginning. No other outcome is even thinkable under these circumstances. The fall of man, according to Christian theology, was rigged from the beginning. Therefore Christian god is nothing more than a malevolent, sadistic douche bag, who delights in setting us up for failure and then punishing us endlessly for it.
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