If you want to create a utopia or close to it:
-Eliminate religion: (this has done nothing but cause conflict between others), absolutely useless in the wake of advancing technology. We live in a society where claims must be backed up logical reasoning and/or evidence not arbitrary opinions.
-Focus on education: Educated people leads to advancement of human civilization. Focus on sciences and economics. Government expenditure should be spent primarily on subsidizing education. The more people are educated the less uneducated people we have in future generations. Make it mandatory to attend university. Dropouts are not eligible for EI, welfare healthcare. We don't need uneducated leeches in society.
-Have a capitalist economy: The invisible hand will regulate the market. If we are consuming too much, it will be evident and consumer trends will adjust and so will firms. Government is only allowed to intervene during recessions since unions are stubborn and won't accept lower wages. That means no price ceilings or price floors implemented by the government.
-Health Care: Government expenditure should be spent secondarily on health care, subsidizing it almost completely. However, install a head tax every time medical facilities are used so we don't have morons clogging up doctor's offices and ERs when there's nothing wrong with them.
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