Wow man. I am LOVING the casting of Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan. I've seen him in other stuff, and I'll be honest, wasn't a fan. Didn't like Watchmen, my Mrs watches The Good Wife, and used to watch Gray's Anatomy , and I can't stand either of those. When I heard he was taking the role, I was worried.
But my god did he nail that performance. The whole scene was incredibly tense, the scariest the show has ever, and probably will ever, be. As someone who reads the comic, he did not disappoint.
I will say, I kinda wish they could have snuck an "F" bomb in their at some point. I mean it's his favorite word in the comics, so it was kinda weird not hearing his TV counterpart say it, though I do understand why (can't blame the show for rules they don't make, though why bad language isn't allowed but people getting eaten alive is I'll never understand), so maybe they can put it into the DVD/Blu-Ray release, kinda like with the S4 finale.
I will say, I'm not sure how to feel about the cliffhanger. I went in kinda expecting them to do this, so it hasn't bothered me quite as much as it has other people. That said, It's still annoying, because I've been anticipating this moment since we got to Alexandria, and now to have it confirmed that we have to wait till S7 sucks, especially as you know it's probably gonna get spoiled before hand, which to me is actually the most annoying thing about it. We know someone will find out, and we know they won't keep it to themselves and it'll be posted on every website under the sun, so that it's impossible to avoid finding out, and I hate that. This is why they should have shown it, not to just to have it be shown, but to avoid it been spoiled, just like how Glenn surviving the heard by hiding under the dumpster was spoiled. Your cliffhanger means nothing, if we find out from outside sources between the cliffhanger and it's reveal.
Now for prediction time. Going by the position of the RV behind Negan, it's clearly either Abraham, Michonne, Daryl, Rosita or Glenn, and I think he was closer to the center of those 5, meaning Michonne, Daryl or Rosita. Going by the fact that Michonne has plot armor, and Rosita is probably the person people will care the least about been killed off, I'm gonna go ahead and predict that Daryl "Met Lucille". Of course, could be wrong, as it wouldn't be the first time TWD has played with the camera angles to trick us, or just gotten the angle completely wrong. Though I also wouldn't be surprised if was said above was true, and they've haven't decided who's dead yet.
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