You guys know how when you get into an elevator and your going up, it appears that its almost always the same song when your going up or down it?
Or when shopping (not during the holidays or when store is playing a radio) that it appears to always be the same song that is playing?
Well what I'm getting at is would you guys like to have your own theme music when doing something and if so what music would it be?
Here is what i would have playing when doing my everday stuff.
Breakfast-Milk and Ceral by G. Love and Special Sauce
Walking to places- Walking in Hyrule by The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess Composer
Waiting for public transportation- Everlong by The Foo Fighters
Taking a test- 21:13 by Coheed and Cambria
Going to the bathroom- Meet me in the Bathroom by The Strokes
Winter time- A Jagged Gorgeous Winter by The Main Drag
Sad- Lost Touch by Powder go Away
How about you guys? Theme Music yay or nay and if so what?
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