I believe the number is 80% of people have HSV-1 by the time they are 50.
You can get cold sores "down there" from receiving oral from someone who has HSV-1 whether they have any signs or not, the virus is still transmitted.
Although if you do have HSV-1 (Coldsores) it is less likely that you will give genital herpes as the body has antibodies to fight it off.
You can get both HSV-1 & HSV-2 both up and down, i.e if someone has HSV-2 "down there" and you preformed and act you could then get HSV-2 on your lips.
Personally i wouldnt risk it, but you could casually toss the old question in there on the 1st date, ever had a cold sore? i sure have in the past in the process of asking about broken bones and such, its subliminal then and most people dont associate coldsores with herpes that way you could at least get your answer.
As i said, if the answer comes back yeah i do, i would steer clear but thats because i like going "down there" and wouldnt want to pass anything on.
In the end as i say and so does the girl next door, is the juice worth the squeeze :)
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