Look, angry boy, it's more complicated than that.
His people hate him, he has ruined their economy and took those British soldiers hostage to make it seem to the Iranian populace that the "West is about to invade."cametall
First of all, you are right that most people don't like Ahmadinejad and the people in this thread who claim he is loved by his people are wrong.
However, Ahmadinejad hasn't ruined the economy because he's not in charge. Iran is ruled by a religious committee, since 1989 presided over by the Ayatollah Khamenei, who has more power than Ahmadinejad. Even if Ahmadinejad was in charge, he has only been in power for a year and a half, not enough time to "ruin" the economy. But the economy isn't ruined. Despite 27 years of sanctions, Iran has a higher standard of living than Russia as well as better roads and infrastructure.
Also, the POW incident was completely word against word. You obviously choose to believe the British Navy 100%, but don't pass it on as fact - it makes you look gullible.
Hoobinator claims I shouldn't believe what the US media feeds me. Well Canada censors their media outlets. They won't channels such as Fox News even air over there (of course that could have changed in the past year). The BBC spews as much anti-American crap as Al Jazera (spelling?).cametall
1. All countries censor their media.Â
2. FOX News is not a news channel.
3. You cannot have (real) news reports without debates between representatives of different opinions, and in debates you have criticism.
It is inevitable in real news shows that a lot of critcism will be directed towards the US. Why? Not, as you seem to think, because of an anti-American conspiracy, but for the simple reason that academics as well as people in general are very critical about US foreign policy and the part of the purpose of a news report is to summarise and reflect this division to the viewers. The US is the most actively involved in world politics, and it is the only power with truly global reach, and the power whose actions have the most wide-reaching political ramifications. Obviously it will draw the most attention; obviously - given the serious contradictions of US foreign policy, especially since 2001 - a lot of that attention will be negative.Â
I'm more afraid of lunatic Putin over in Russia than Iran or North Korea. An ex-KGB agent elected as president? I bet you Europe loves him just as much as they seem to like the leaders of Iran and Syria.cametall
Because 'Europeans' are...? Why, when we are talking about Iran, are you trying to discredit 'Europeans' for favouring a more nuanced interpretation than yours? Attack their arguments instead, otherwise it seems you don't know enough to reject the 'Europeans' on any other basis than nationalist/racist bias.Â
To me, a 'European' (Swede) who has actually travelled in Iran, you don't come off as if you really know what you are talking about. But you don't see me ascribing that to your nationality.
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