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there any law that these people actually break though? I mean, how can he be arrested for wanting to solicit sex with a minor, if there was no minor to begin with?
The lesbian/posing 14-year old girl is lying about her age. Surely, that wouldn't stand up in court.
To Catch a Predator is unmitigated greatness.
And goddess, you're right, it's not entrapment. They're very aware of those laws and don't want to loose a conviction to a loop hole. They always make sure to let the predator make all the moves.
[QUOTE="supermetroidfan"][QUOTE="Two400"]There are many things wrong with this show.
First of's entrapment! NBC is committing entrapment and getting away with it. Entrapment is illegal. You can't trick people into breaking the law. NBC is the one giving out the address. Those guys are INVITED over, they don't know what the address is, yet they are given the address when NBC knows full well what they are getting those guys into.
Second...these guys are getting in trouble being turned on by 19 year old decoys.
If you can be turned on 19 year olds looking like 13 year olds...then doesn't that say something about human nature?
If you get in trouble for being interested in the decoy, then you should be in trouble for liking ALL 19 year olds. Because liking a 19 year old that looks like a 13 year old proves it is human nature to like anyone that looks attractive, regardless of age. You shouldn't get in trouble for following your human nature.
Besides the point that NBC is luring them, it is obvious that somewhere's down the line they might real a real 13 year old and that will happen so whatever.
Half of those guys are first time offenders that were expecting nothing more than some cyber fantasy chat.
Not all......but at least half are just some normal average joe with an average job. It's highly unlikely that they would harm anyone. And even if they did have sex....half the time the girl wants it too.
And I stand by what I said that it's human nature.
It's also a waste of money to fight something that is going to happen anyway. Lock up the violent ones yeah, but some older guys honestly just want a normal relationship and sometimes they just happen to meet someone younger, as sick as that sounds to most of you. But I have critically thought about this for a long time and that's what I believe.
I think you're a pedophile. You'd have to be to say something like that.
The pedos are always the ones that want to go to the house. When the guy doesn't show up, the decoy does sort of encourage them to go there but that doesn't change a single thing. If that was a real girl, she would encourage the predator, too. It's not something that happens out of the ordinary. How do you think the predator would get the address in the first place?
Just because the *13* year old girl wants to have sex doesn't make it right. They're too young and immature to make that judgement call.
Lol why waste money on something that happens every day. LMFAO. I can't wait 'til your daughter gets raped and you just shrug it off as a daily occurence.
What Dateline is doing is NOT entraptment. The pedos willingly go to the house, expecting sex with a minor or a cat, and they get busted for it. Simple as that and I love what they're doing to try and get these guys off of this stuff or at least off the streets for a while.
The pedos aren't aware that the girl is actually 19. They are under the impression that the girl is under age, that's why they usually say things like "I can get in trouble." Saying that people are attracted to a 19 year old that looks younger also doesn't change a thing. The girl is 19, she's old enough to decide what's right for her. If you're 40 and you want a girl that looks young, then you go for the 19 year old girl on the show, not a 13 year old child. :roll:
The cat thing wasn't purposely done by NBC. The pedo started the cat conversation by asking if the decoy had a cat and then he went on about having the girl perform sex acts on the cat.
To Catch a Predator is unmitigated greatness.
And goddess, you're right, it's not entrapment. They're very aware of those laws and don't want to loose a conviction to a loop hole. They always make sure to let the predator make all the moves.
That's a great sig!
Again, what Dateline does is NOT entrapment.
The decoys pose as young people on the internet - they make Myspace pages, or go into chat rooms - and that's it. They just sit there and wait until someone solicits them. They don't go around asking for sex on the internet, and their MySpace doesn't say "13 and Horny!".
These guys are scumbags, and they get what they deserve.
If you're talking to a preteen girl you met online via telephone, it's actually a middle-aged obese woman with a childlike voice. And if you're talking to a preteen boy you met online via telephone, it's a mildly atrractive lesbian with a husky voice.
:lol: I got a good laugh from that.
This topic made me think... I wonder if there are any predators on Gamespot:o *glances around suspiciously*Bill900I am a predator :evil: want candy??
I read on The BBC news site about a 14yo girl in the US
was charged with being a paedo after posting topless pics of herself too some lad ......!!!! lol
I've learned that it's ok to practice entrapment and arrest people for a crime they havn't commited, so long as Dateline can run it on TV for the entertainment of millions of soccer moms, too busy to watch the show to make sure their child isn't actually talking to a 57-year-old balding man on the interwebs.ElZilcho90
It shows intent to molest a child. It's a crime and they should be punished for it.
he aint a bad man jump in that van kiddies
must agree about the entrapment an lazy soccer moms not watching their own kids ...get some responsability
[QUOTE="ElZilcho90"]I've learned that it's ok to practice entrapment and arrest people for a crime they havn't commited, so long as Dateline can run it on TV for the entertainment of millions of soccer moms, too busy to watch the show to make sure their child isn't actually talking to a 57-year-old balding man on the interwebs.DeeJayInphinity
It shows intent to molest a child. It's a crime and they should be punished for it.
The argument can be made that there is a possibility that they won't commit the crime. Change of heart, or something like that.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not protecting or supporting these scumbags. But if they're being charged, get them for something they actually did, not something they could might possibly maybe do at some future time.
This whole thing reminds me of Minority Report.
EDIT: Hey, look! My post count is equal to my birth year! :P
[QUOTE="DeeJayInphinity"][QUOTE="ElZilcho90"]I've learned that it's ok to practice entrapment and arrest people for a crime they havn't commited, so long as Dateline can run it on TV for the entertainment of millions of soccer moms, too busy to watch the show to make sure their child isn't actually talking to a 57-year-old balding man on the interwebs.ElZilcho90
It shows intent to molest a child. It's a crime and they should be punished for it.
The argument can be made that there is a possibility that they won't commit the crime. Change of heart, or something like that.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not protecting or supporting these scumbags. But if they're being charged, get them for something they actually did, not something they could might possibly maybe do at some future time.
This whole thing reminds me of Minority Report.
EDIT: Hey, look! My post count is equal to my birth year! :P
Congrats! Post one more time and it'll be my year.
EDIT - On second thought. Don't ever post again, keep it that way and just PM people. Tell them that your not posting anymore because its your birth year :)
[QUOTE="DeeJayInphinity"][QUOTE="ElZilcho90"]I've learned that it's ok to practice entrapment and arrest people for a crime they havn't commited, so long as Dateline can run it on TV for the entertainment of millions of soccer moms, too busy to watch the show to make sure their child isn't actually talking to a 57-year-old balding man on the interwebs.ElZilcho90
It shows intent to molest a child. It's a crime and they should be punished for it.
The argument can be made that there is a possibility that they won't commit the crime. Change of heart, or something like that.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not protecting or supporting these scumbags. But if they're being charged, get them for something they actually did, not something they could might possibly maybe do at some future time.
This whole thing reminds me of Minority Report.
EDIT: Hey, look! My post count is equal to my birth year! :P
mine too :P[QUOTE="DeeJayInphinity"][QUOTE="ElZilcho90"]I've learned that it's ok to practice entrapment and arrest people for a crime they havn't commited, so long as Dateline can run it on TV for the entertainment of millions of soccer moms, too busy to watch the show to make sure their child isn't actually talking to a 57-year-old balding man on the interwebs.ElZilcho90
It shows intent to molest a child. It's a crime and they should be punished for it.
The argument can be made that there is a possibility that they won't commit the crime. Change of heart, or something like that.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not protecting or supporting these scumbags. But if they're being charged, get them for something they actually did, not something they could might possibly maybe do at some future time.
This whole thing reminds me of Minority Report.
EDIT: Hey, look! My post count is equal to my birth year! :P
They're getting charged for what they did; intent to molest a child. Not once does NBC say they are charged with molesting a child; it's intent and they get charged for it.
You can't count on "change of heart" and there's rarely any evidence to support it. You can't go by their word because they're going to say that they changed their minds. Most of them say that. You can't use that as a reliable piece of evidence. However, you can use the condoms and items they were asked to bring as proof that they would've gone through it.
Why bring a condom if you are changing your mind? Why bring the lube, the beer, the toys, the movies, etc.???
[QUOTE="ElZilcho90"][QUOTE="DeeJayInphinity"][QUOTE="ElZilcho90"]I've learned that it's ok to practice entrapment and arrest people for a crime they havn't commited, so long as Dateline can run it on TV for the entertainment of millions of soccer moms, too busy to watch the show to make sure their child isn't actually talking to a 57-year-old balding man on the interwebs.DeeJayInphinity
It shows intent to molest a child. It's a crime and they should be punished for it.
The argument can be made that there is a possibility that they won't commit the crime. Change of heart, or something like that.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not protecting or supporting these scumbags. But if they're being charged, get them for something they actually did, not something they could might possibly maybe do at some future time.
This whole thing reminds me of Minority Report.
EDIT: Hey, look! My post count is equal to my birth year! :P
They're getting charged for what they did; intent to molest a child. Not once does NBC say they are charged with molesting a child; it's intent and they get charged for it.
You can't count on "change of heart" and there's rarely any evidence to support it. You can't go by their word because they're going to say that they changed their minds. Most of them say that. You can't use that as a reliable piece of evidence. However, you can use the condoms and items they were asked to bring as proof that they would've gone through it.
Why bring a condom if you are changing your mind? Why bring the lube, the beer, the toys, the movies, etc.???
they invited friends??Not to condone these freaks but its entrapment isnt it in the U$.....?
Here in the UK we dont broadcast sleazy type paedo scare shows like this ....
an IF our Police do try the Honey pot stings its only them conduct them ...
an not done by a salacious tv show for ratings
They're getting charged for what they did; intent to molest a child. Not once does NBC say they are charged with molesting a child; it's intent and they get charged for it.
You can't count on "change of heart" and there's rarely any evidence to support it. You can't go by their word because they're going to say that they changed their minds. Most of them say that. You can't use that as a reliable piece of evidence. However, you can use the condoms and items they were asked to bring as proof that they would've gone through it.
Why bring a condom if you are changing your mind? Why bring the lube, the beer, the toys, the movies, etc.???
See, I've never watched the show, so I wasn't sure what the charges were. :P
The problem with these sort of operations is there is a very fine line between legal and entrapment. Everything they say has to be closely monitored, so nothing along these lines happens:
The show's exploitative, there's no denying that. It just seems wrong to me, to televise this stuff. If dateline cared so much about the prevention of molestation, they'd work with the police on this program without airing it on TV... for the viewing benefit of soccer moms who don't watch their own kids.
Not to condone these freaks but its entrapment isnt it in the U$.....?
Here in the UK we dont broadcast sleazy type paedo scare shows like this ....
an IF our Police do try the Honey pot stings its only them conduct them ...
an not done by a salacious tv show for ratings
The "$" key-command is no-where near the "s" key.:|
[QUOTE="DeeJayInphinity"]They're getting charged for what they did; intent to molest a child. Not once does NBC say they are charged with molesting a child; it's intent and they get charged for it.
You can't count on "change of heart" and there's rarely any evidence to support it. You can't go by their word because they're going to say that they changed their minds. Most of them say that. You can't use that as a reliable piece of evidence. However, you can use the condoms and items they were asked to bring as proof that they would've gone through it.
Why bring a condom if you are changing your mind? Why bring the lube, the beer, the toys, the movies, etc.???
See, I've never watched the show, so I wasn't sure what the charges were. :P
The problem with these sort of operations is there is a very fine line between legal and entrapment. Everything they say has to be closely monitored, so nothing along these lines happens:
The show's exploitative, there's no denying that. It just seems wrong to me, to televise this stuff. If dateline cared so much about the prevention of molestation, they'd work with the police on this program without airing it on TV... for the viewing benefit of soccer moms who don't watch their own kids.
They don't initate the sexual conversation. It's always the predators that start the sexual stuff. Chris will very often state this when he goes over the chat logs.. "minutes later, the pradator asks [sexual question]" or "minutes after the predator initiates the conversation, the prodator begins the sex talk."
Stuff like that. PJ has been doing this for a while and they know the difference between a legal and legitimate sting operation and entrapment. This is no different than when police go out there and sell drugs in order to catch drug users or they have a woman as a prostitute to catch other men.
They go into the chat and they wait for the predators to start the conversations and they don't initiate the sexual conversations or the conversations themselves. The pedophiles will sometimes use this as their defense.. "well she started talking about sex" but Chris will correct them by slapping them with the evidence.. "well it shows right here that you started it" and immediately the pedophile's memory "comes back to them."
That is why it's not entrapment.
They don't initate the sexual conversation. It's always the predators that start the sexual stuff. Chris will very often state this when he goes over the chat logs.. "minutes later, the pradator asks [sexual question]" or "minutes after the predator initiates the conversation, the prodator begins the sex talk."
Stuff like that. PJ has been doing this for a while and they know the difference between a legal and legitimate sting operation and entrapment. This is no different than when police go out there and sell drugs in order to catch drug users or they have a woman as a prostitute to catch other men.
They go into the chat and they wait for the predators to start the conversations and they don't initiate the sexual conversations or the conversations themselves. The pedophiles will sometimes use this as their defense.. "well she started talking about sex" but Chris will correct them by slapping them with the evidence.. "well it shows right here that you started it" and immediately the pedophile's memory "comes back to them."
That is why it's not entrapment.
As long as they closely monitor it to ensure there isn't any entrapment, I don't have a problem with the program.
I do, however, have a problem of the exploitative nature of showing this on the television. As I stated before, if Dateline cared so much about the prevention of pedophilia, they'd run this program with the police without showing it on the TV.
explain what ?
this shows just after sensationalist viewers loling at the pederists
What's your reasoning for saying "U$"? It's most likely due to ignorance and idiocy, but I want to verify before making a sensationalist claim.
As far as I'm concerned if the "child" is really an adult then it's okay to do whatever you were going to do. It's like double jeopardy. Why get accused for something you didn't do? I say do it and then get accused and deny it. >_>...DoHo
Ya, only they say online that the "child" is reallya "child" (she states that she is 14). So it's not okay...
[QUOTE="DeeJayInphinity"]They don't initate the sexual conversation. It's always the predators that start the sexual stuff. Chris will very often state this when he goes over the chat logs.. "minutes later, the pradator asks [sexual question]" or "minutes after the predator initiates the conversation, the prodator begins the sex talk."
Stuff like that. PJ has been doing this for a while and they know the difference between a legal and legitimate sting operation and entrapment. This is no different than when police go out there and sell drugs in order to catch drug users or they have a woman as a prostitute to catch other men.
They go into the chat and they wait for the predators to start the conversations and they don't initiate the sexual conversations or the conversations themselves. The pedophiles will sometimes use this as their defense.. "well she started talking about sex" but Chris will correct them by slapping them with the evidence.. "well it shows right here that you started it" and immediately the pedophile's memory "comes back to them."
That is why it's not entrapment.
As long as they closely monitor it to ensure there isn't any entrapment, I don't have a problem with the program.
I do, however, have a problem of the exploitative nature of showing this on the television. As I stated before, if Dateline cared so much about the prevention of pedophilia, they'd run this program with the police without showing it on the TV.
They do it for the ratings. Simple as that. I think some of the producers do care a lot about the cause that PJ is fighting for, but their bottom line is the ratings and the money, imo.
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