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all the stress about your education is based on the desire to go to school so you can learn things you don't need and get graded and judged not based on how smart you are but by how well you obide to a teacher's demands so you may go to a college that will have you in debt for years so that you can work a job that you hate to buy crap you don't need. that's just the way it is.RevernedICE
Wow, perfect post. I agree 100%.
[QUOTE="AnotherKill"]in my high school you need 4 years of physical edu. same here. I agree with the TC. In school I do really well in math. I'm in the highest math class and probably one of the best at math out of all the sophmores and freshmen, which is about 2000 students. I have known what my career will be since the beginning of highschool. Although I know what I need to learn I am still forced to take classes that will not benefit me at all. If I took only math classes throughout highschool I would be able to dedicate all of my time to math and I would end up learning much more. This however, should only apply in highschool because you need to be able to read and learn other basic skills, so 1-8 grade shouldn't change.Err, Isn't Physical Education required up to grade 10 so that you can graduate, It is where I live. Oh and I don't mind the things we learn, If we learned just basic skills, we'd be out of school in Grade 7 which would not be good. The deeper we go into subjects the more it prepares you for College/University. I don't want to only learn basic skills then end up going to University not knowing half the stuff we should've learned.
Yeah, a lot of the core subject topics are very pointless. Some elective classes like business are good if you wanna do something in business as a career. Social Studies and Science are by far the most pointless classes. Math is kind of, but only the basic stuff. English is pointless at times too._KenKittyragi_
a greater understanding of society and a greater understanding of the world are pointless are they? bizarre.
A good teacher will excite you to learn. If there's a problem with the system, it's that it kills the spirit of most teachers. And don't under estimate the ability of the kids to discourage teachers from trying harder. If you were a teacher would you want to teach you.
The subjects I generally enjoyed at school were the ones I had good teachers in. I didn't even mind studying economics!
all the stress about your education is based on the desire to go to school so you can learn things you don't need and get graded and judged not based on how smart you are but by how well you obide to a teacher's demands so you may go to a college that will have you in debt for years so that you can work a job that you hate to buy crap you don't need. that's just the way it is.RevernedICE
That was depressing lol.
I see what he is trying to get at, next year i start grade 10 and some of this stuff we learn is toal crap.
Do i care about dividing polynomials by monomials? how about polyhedra and pronouns, tell me when was the last time you needed any of this crap in real life? sure, i get you need it for college and university, but is this stuff we really need to learn to use in fufilling our role in society???!!!!! I see what some people are saying that it helps us with memorization, etc. but can we not sharpen those skills with more meaningful info?
I think education should be more practical, more work with computers, electric wiring, stuff you need when working. And yeah more phys-ed would be nice, maybe then we wont see so many fatass kids.
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