I don't have a problem with people liking this movie but on these forum's at least I haven't seen a single good defense of why they liked the film outside of general terms like it's entertaining. And I haven't seen a single good defense of the film from those who like to stem criticism from those who don't. Obliviously it all boils down to opinion but it seems like people, on both sides, are having trouble comming up with legitiamte reasons for their opnions and attacks.
Personally I thought the film was terrible. The humour fell flat, in nearly all regardes. If you are entertained by robots spouting off phrases like "punk- a$$ decepticon" and "damn I'm good" you'll probably like it. If giant wreckingball transformer testicles are your thing I guess you'll find humour as well.
I didn't think the action was even passable in any respect outside of the battle between Optimus and Megatron in the forest. That worked becuase the action took place during extended cuts (like 3 seconds instead of a quarter second). It allowed me to be engrossed into the action to a level the film would latter never come close too. There is not even a hint of character development so there really is nothing for me to latch onto in the action scenes. If they had been handled better than it probably wouldn't have mattered and I could have liked the film a lot more but instead were left with a bunch of uniteresting and totally anonymous transformers who all blend together. I, really in all honesty cannot think of anything really done well at all. Most of us, with a semester of film classes under our belts and a 100 million dollar budget could of come up with something of better quality and coherance.
Really the worst part is that we see all these incredibly dumb, easy to fix plot- holes and mistakes which don't seem like muh by themselves but put together lead me to believe that Micheal Bay just doesn't care. He doesn't care about the movie or making a quality product. He thinks the average movie goer is an idiot and wants to shell crap out because he know people will buy it no matter the quality. I doubt he really cared about anything in the movie and it shows with just how sloppy it is. I mean I wont credit Bay with being a great, or even average filmmaker but even he is better than this.
The worst part of the whole thing is that the film is incredibly boring. One of the most uniteresting and longest theatre going experiences of my life. What people who attack this film don't realize is that films don't need Plot. A plot is something obliviously very common, but it's not in any way important or necessary to a film unless the filmmaker whant it too be. Thats another crappy thing about this movie, why is it 2 1/2 hours long? Why did Bay have this script and this worthless plot (obliviously I said plot isn't important but if the director insists upon shoving it down our throat than I becomes important) and have the pretentiousness to stretch it out for that long. He thinks that either he or this material must be either so minportant that it needs to be that long. Whats worth is that he insists upon soaking most of that time up in one of the most disposable "love stories" of the 21st century and a completly worthless cast of charactors who's great moment of snappy, or comedic dialouge is "he wnet to get you a tighter shirt".
What would have made the film great is if it was cut to 70 minutes of just robots killing each other and explosions. Kill off all the human characters and the twins immediatly so that we no longer have to tolerate them and so we have no reason to stretch the film an longer with meanigless dribble realted to one of the most retarded scripts I've ever witnessed. You don't need a plot. Just give the people what they came for.
1.5-2/ 10 for what will proabably the worst movie of the year.
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