@KHAndAnime said:
@Barbariser said:Wow, did you even bother to understand
anything I said? The comparison was to show that even if people have suffered great traumas in the past, doesn't mean they should be asked to ignore lesser traumas in the future. So yes I would use that counter with the holocaust, if someone was actually dumb enough to argue that Jews should never get angry/distressed at anything because they already went through an attempted genocide.
Also I already debunked that male muscle advantage nonsense in the post you just quoted; according to the IOC and the NCAA, transwomen who have been under HRT for one/two years have no competitive advantage over ciswomen. This is because HRT causes significant losses in bone and muscle mass and also because transwomen don't have ovaries, causing them to have less testosterone than ciswomen.
I don't know about you but I trust the word of two massive and well established sports organizations and their medical advisors more than random dudes who can't even be bothered to think about how hormones may make transwomen less muscular/athletic even though the OP's article and the last 80 fucking posts in the topic discuss this. Sorry, you're the one with reading comprehension problems and I'm the one with facts and logic on my side, looks like you've got more cause to worry about delusion.
lol @ comparing civil trauma to personal trauma
What if that person hasn't been on HRT for 2 years? It's obviously on a case-by-case basis this has to be decided. By your definition, that's still discrimination. What if the M2F wanted an athletic advantage in these competitions and didn't complete their treatment? That can't be tested, can it?
HRT cannot reverse bone changes that have already been established by puberty. Consequently, total height, the length of the arms, legs, hands, and feet, and the width/size of the shoulders and rib cage are all not affected by HRT. However, details of bone shape change throughout life, with bones becoming heavier and more deeply sculptured under the influence of androgens, and HRT will prevent such changes from developing any further.
And that's funny, took me only one minute to find an advantage a M-2-F would have that a woman wouldn't have: developing as a man. Shape of body is extremely important in athletic competitions.
There is too much gray area for this to be accepted on anything other than a case-by-case basis. You can side by competitions and their policies that go out of their way to be politically correct, but I'll stand by common sense and logic on this one. That's why they still discriminate too.
But guess what genius: Crossfit doesn't have the same resources as the Olympics committee. They don't have the resources to investigate if every M2F competitor has been on hormone treatment for the proper amount of time. And since hormone treatment can also be self-administered, there's no way of every really knowing if someone really went through the full treatment, is there? Sorry bro, you can try to perpetuate fantasy but that doesn't make it reality. You don't have anything on your side.
Lol @ your point suddenly changing. And if you still wanted a "personal comparison", it's also wrong to tell a gay man to get over not being able to marry because he's already lived life under discrimination and bigotry.
If someone doesn't get HRT for over 2 years they don't qualify, I already acknowledged this last page. Fortunately we can easily observe that the girl in the OP got SRS in 2006 and has been on HRT since then, and last I checked, 8>2. As for the possibility of fraud - if you want to know whether a transgender athlete has had enough HRT, what's so hard about the sports organization just asking for medical proof?
That's nice, but to my knowledge, sports organizations do not consider artificial changes in body shape (for example, bone-lengthening surgery to acquire longer legs) as being anti-competitive, whereas they will kick you the **** out if you dope. It's not surprising that they apply the same standard (hormones are most important) to the transgender question.
If you have an issue with that, better convince the IOC and NCAA to adopt a different position and outlaw bone surgery. It hardly matters here because the athlete in the article is asking to compete in a strength competition, and those are size segregated anyway.
Ahahah no, literally everything in that last paragraph was just shit you made up. You have no idea whether a company operating 7, 200 gyms has enough resources to test transgender athletes (who are extremely small in number), and the fact that they did not make that argument themselves suggests that this is not a big consideration. Furthermore, most organizations don't have enough resources to test every doper every time everywhere either, but that doesn't stop them from using rules against roids anyway.
Lol at the accusation that the IoC is "politically correct". Yeah get over it, I'm basically right about everything here by pretty much any standard and you can go sulk in the corner with the other transphobics.
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