Since I just saw this movie and had very positive thoughts walking out of the theatre, I decided to write a concise review on TRON: Legacy.
I went into the movie today with a few buds with very low expectations as I never saw the first Tron; it was out way before I was even born :P Because I saw the IMAX 3D presentation, my ticket was a whopping $14 dollars! Now I was hoping to get some value and that I did. The movie was simply a technical marvel, both visually and musically. From the moment the movie begins, it immediately tries to immerse you with it's powerful soundtrack and background story of the universe. One of my favorite scenes was at the beginning when Sam is riding his Ducati Sport-1000, weaving through the highway traffic at over 100 mph, and the scene immediately straps you in for a damn fun ride.
As far as the acting goes, everybody played their character to their best ability including Garrett Hedlund as Sam Flynn, Olivia Wilde as Quora, and Jeff Bridges as Sam's dad, Kevin. The lightcycle scene was quite an exhilerating experience as were many of the fight scenes, despite the PG rating. Did I mention how beautiful Olivia Wilde as Quora was? She was just as, if not more, impressive than the movie visuals themselves! Daft Punk also did an amazing job with the soundtrack and it fit perfectly with all the scenes to enhance them to maximum effect.
The movie also brings up some interesting themes including religion and creationism that made me start thinking, but that's a whole nother topic in itself lol.
Overall an amazing film! Don't expect it to be a masterpiece film in the IMDB top 250 of all time of something, but more of a piece of art. You have to appreciate the movie for what it is. 9/10
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