I was a full time student throughout college, majored in neuroscience, graduated with a 3.81 GPA, and worked in a lab full time as well. I always had plenty of time to slack off.
I've heard electrical engineering students and CS majors have pretty heavy workloads though due to the fact that all of their classes hand out huge homework assignments on a regular basis. Also, pre-meds tend to have to split their time between volunteer hours, clinical shadowing, extracurriculars, classes, studying, research (although not nearly to the same degree as pre-PhDs), and MCAT prep which does actually wind up taking up all of their time.
For all other majors though, my personal observation has been that the people who complain about not having enough free time either have very unrealistic expectations for how much free time they should have (ie they want to do nothing but party) or they're trying to major in a subject that they can barely handle and have to study for extremely unreasonable amounts of time just to perform acceptably.
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