I liked Obama at first during the primaries when he was beating Hilliary, but now I am sad to say I wish Hillary would have been nominated. As this election campaign has been dragged out more and more stuff on Obama has come out, and its just outrageous the media except Fox News, Levin, Savage, Rush, Berg, Corsi, Walton and Johnson, etc.. have covered.
Obama could be a great leader but the simple fact that he is associated with so many Radical people. The point is the truth is Obama went out to find these people they didnt find him.
I am talking about:
William Ayers- who many of you know or have heard about him
Railia Odinga- his cousin who slaugthered over a 1,000 people in Kenya in order to become a dictator of Kenya because he lost an election, OBAMA used TAX PAYER DOLLERS TO FUND ODINGA"S CAMPAIGN!!!
Rev Jerimiah Wright- the really opinionated pastor who spread hate mostly towards America, but Obama didnt hear that for 20 years.
Father Phlegar- similar to Wright
Tony Rezko- the slum lord of Chicago politics
Kilwayme Kirkpatrick- A mayor of detriot who was areested for numerious things
Louis need to say a whole lot, he is the one who declared Obama the Messiah
there are a few others as well
Obama basis most of his polices and ideas based on Saul Olinski, and Karl Marx, he doesnt flat out say it, but if you listen carefully its true. There was one thing too Obama was recently caught reading a book THE POST- AMERICAN WORLD. a book which basically describes the end of America.
So if you love America the way it is you may want to re think a vote for Obama. If you really can just look at him from a different perspective it will help raise questions. Why hasn't he released his school records, his medical records, his birth certificate, the one released was deemed a fake, why would he post 2 differnt documents because he doesnt have an Amrican one? He could have been born in Kenya. If this man is going to hold the highest office, we need to know more about his overall charcter.
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