It's not just because of imperialism. You're clueless if you believe that. That was my point.
No one argues it isn't the only thing, but it is the MAIN thing.. The west has had control of the Middle East either directly or indirectly for over 120 years.. Infact religious extremism and its rise often times is directly related with western infringement.. Take a look at Iran.. During 1953 Mosadeq the democratically elected president was overthrown by CIA and MI6 operatives and the brutal and corrupt dictator the Shah was put into power.. He was supported til his downfall.. And his brutal and flawed policies led to the religious extremist overthrow of 1979..
Saddam's forces and what not are nothing new either.. They are the leadership trying to be head of nationalist arabic movement.. In which they see Israel (with some pretty good reason) as a stooge of imperialism.. Afterall can you really blame them? Not saying Israel should or shouldn't exist but its exitence was based specifically on the fact of British rule.. Of Great Britain hadn't mandated (alogn with France) the region including Palestine.. The zionist movement wouldn't have gone so well, Britian played favorites with this and were more or less given a automous government within the region while the Arabs didn't.. Britain's policies also failed to alievate the problems of the area and it only made things worse when the zionist specifically tried to undermine any pro Palestianin measures.. Lets not forge the Balfour declaration... Hell we can see this with the flawed 2 state solutions by Britain and early UN (which were based off British strategy) in which the Jewish population was heavily favored..
Then there are mandates.. "official" imperialism that lasted from 1918 to around 1950.. Which more or less gave Britain and France either to direclty control the region or at very elast install a puppet dictator in power..
Infact it can really be argued that the recent extremist movement that only started to come in force after aroundt he early 1970s when the West attempted to undermine or compeltely flat out destroy socialist governmetns due to Cold War.. Extremism is a problem in all parts of the developing world, the problem being is no region has been so controled direclty or indireclty by the west.. And these poliices are continuing.. You think Desert Storm was committed to save lives? Uh huh thats why their first strategy/operation during the war was to secure the oil fields.. I'm not taking sides here, but to some how suggest that imperialism is not the main reason for the hatred from the region towards the West.. Then I suggest you re-read history.. It is the overshadowing all imposing logical reason why the people of the region regardless how secular they are dislike Western policy...
Hell Egypt the most secular Arab country in the region became even more angered witht he invasion of Iraq.. It can be said that US did create democracy, in the wrong place.. In places like Egypt where there were overwhelming unpopularity of Western foriegn policy within the region.
That's avery good synopsis, but, of course, it only scratches the surface ...
Yeah sorry couldn't be more indepth.. There are literally dozens of books abou this subject by the top historians in the field.. Monte Palmer is a good start imo to read about the numerous issues in the area.. Now this isn't to say that its ALL the Wests fault.. Human greed and power fit into it as well from the leadership within the region.
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