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Yeah, people will walk all over you if you don't go around inflicting your arbitrary will on other nations. You'll get walked on if you don't kill children. It amazes me how mass killing is more accepted than killing on a smaller scale.The unfortunate nature of war is that, sometimes, civilians get killed. For all the advances in technology and precision guided weaponry, it's still unavoidable. The alternative is to sit at home and let people walk all over you.
[QUOTE="Blaze787"]Yeah, people will walk all over you if you don't go around inflicting your arbitrary will on other nations. You'll get walked on if you don't kill children. It amazes me how mass killing is more accepted than killing on a smaller scale. I don't see the US's actions in Pakistan as arbitrary.The unfortunate nature of war is that, sometimes, civilians get killed. For all the advances in technology and precision guided weaponry, it's still unavoidable. The alternative is to sit at home and let people walk all over you.
It sucks and I feell for not only those children but for their families as well. Unfortunately, collateral damage is a price of conflict. What is really bad about the situation (besides the innocent children who died) is that when we accidentally kill somebody we are heavily demonized by other countries as well as anti-war activists over here. On the other hand, I've personally seen entire families slaughtered on purpose in Iraq by insurgents for no other reason than the man of the house happened to help US troops do a neighborhood goodwill project such as do repairs on a school. Stuff like that is under reported.
[QUOTE="Rhazakna"][QUOTE="Blaze787"]Yeah, people will walk all over you if you don't go around inflicting your arbitrary will on other nations. You'll get walked on if you don't kill children. It amazes me how mass killing is more accepted than killing on a smaller scale. I don't see the US's actions in Pakistan as arbitrary. Oh really?The unfortunate nature of war is that, sometimes, civilians get killed. For all the advances in technology and precision guided weaponry, it's still unavoidable. The alternative is to sit at home and let people walk all over you.
Kind of a misleading title, I thought you were talking about a single strike.
Anyways, I've never approved of drone attacks. I hate the idea of de-humanizing war. I may be all for guns and a strong military, but having machines do the fighting for us is wrong. It's one thing to man a tank, it's another thing to fly a remote control death machine with no real certainty of your enemy.
I understand why they are used, but I don't approve. If we are going to attack them, we should do it with boots on the ground in some form or another.
Not misleading. The title implies to drone war, not drone attack.Kind of a misleading title, I thought you were talking about a single strike.
Anyways, I've never approved of drone attacks. I hate the idea of de-humanizing war. I may be all for guns and a strong military, but having machines do the fighting for us is wrong. It's one thing to man a tank, it's another thing to fly a remote control death machine with no real certainty of your enemy.
I understand why they are used, but I don't approve. If we are going to attack them, we should do it with boots on the ground in some form or another.
You wouldn't be saying this if it was Americans dying. Absolutely heartbreaking. Americans wonder why everyone hates them. Collateral damage my ass.The unfortunate nature of war is that, sometimes, civilians get killed. For all the advances in technology and precision guided weaponry, it's still unavoidable. The alternative is to sit at home and let people walk all over you.
[QUOTE="Blaze787"]You wouldn't be saying this if it was Americans dying. Absolutely heartbreaking. Americans wonder why everyone hates them. Collateral damage my ass. How is it not collateral damage?The unfortunate nature of war is that, sometimes, civilians get killed. For all the advances in technology and precision guided weaponry, it's still unavoidable. The alternative is to sit at home and let people walk all over you.
They are collateral damage so they don't count as human beings. Now if you killed them using some planes crashing against some buildings then those count as humans and the perpetrators are evil terrorists!! That's how things work.kuraimenNo ones claiming that they're not humans beings, because there difference is the intention of it.
I think you should really read the part about "arbitrary will" once again. You got it wrong.Stavrogin_How is it arbitrary will if the strikes are against an organization that has attacked the US?
[QUOTE="kuraimen"]They are collateral damage so they don't count as human beings. Now if you killed them using some planes crashing against some buildings then those count as humans and the perpetrators are evil terrorists!! That's how things work.alexside1No ones claiming that they're not humans beings, because there difference is the intention of it. Collateral damage is an euphemism used by nations with technology to justify when they kill civilians. The 9/11 perpetrators could equally call the innocent people they killed with their attacks collateral damage if they could since their intention was not necessarily to kill civilians but to provoke a moral and economic wound on the US. Civilians just happened to be in the World Trade Center, Pentagon and the Capitol if they had achieved attacking that.
[QUOTE="Stavrogin_"]I think you should really read the part about "arbitrary will" once again. You got it wrong.Engrish_MajorHow is it arbitrary will if the strikes are against an organization that has attacked the US? How is it not arbitrary will when they're policing the world? It's not just about the drone attacks, it's the whole goddamn foreign policy of the US.
[QUOTE="Engrish_Major"][QUOTE="Stavrogin_"]I think you should really read the part about "arbitrary will" once again. You got it wrong.Stavrogin_How is it arbitrary will if the strikes are against an organization that has attacked the US? How is not arbitrary will when they're policing the world? It's not just about the drone attacks, it's the whole goddamn foreign policy of the US. This thread is about Pakistan and drone strikes - which is what I was talking about. I'm not quite sure what you're getting at.
[QUOTE="Engrish_Major"][QUOTE="Stavrogin_"]I think you should really read the part about "arbitrary will" once again. You got it wrong.Stavrogin_How is it arbitrary will if the strikes are against an organization that has attacked the US? How is not arbitrary will when they're policing the world? It's not just about the drone attacks, it's the whole goddamn foreign policy of the US. AMEN!
[QUOTE="Stavrogin_"]I think you should really read the part about "arbitrary will" once again. You got it wrong.Engrish_MajorHow is it arbitrary will if the strikes are against an organization that has attacked the US? By that logic 9/11 was justified because of American foreign policy. The crimes of a few does not justify mass slaughter.
[QUOTE="Engrish_Major"][QUOTE="Stavrogin_"]I think you should really read the part about "arbitrary will" once again. You got it wrong.RhazaknaHow is it arbitrary will if the strikes are against an organization that has attacked the US? By that logic 9/11 was justified because of American foreign policy. The crimes of a few does not justify mass slaughter. I would never condone the targeted killing of thousands of civilians as the primary target. I'm not sure why you're trying to make this parallel, but it doesn't work.
[QUOTE="alexside1"][QUOTE="kuraimen"]They are collateral damage so they don't count as human beings. Now if you killed them using some planes crashing against some buildings then those count as humans and the perpetrators are evil terrorists!! That's how things work.kuraimenNo ones claiming that they're not humans beings, because there difference is the intention of it. Collateral damage is an euphemism used by nations with technology to justify when they kill civilians. The 9/11 perpetrators could equally call the innocent people they killed with their attacks collateral damage if they could since their intention was not necessarily to kill civilians but to provoke a moral and economic wound on the US. Civilians just happened to be in the World Trade Center, Pentagon and the Capitol if they had achieved attacking that.
No it isn't. They don't go around killing civilians intentionally.
[QUOTE="Rhazakna"][QUOTE="Engrish_Major"]How is it arbitrary will if the strikes are against an organization that has attacked the US?Engrish_MajorBy that logic 9/11 was justified because of American foreign policy. The crimes of a few does not justify mass slaughter. I would never condone the targeted killing of thousands of civilians as the primary target. I'm not sure why you're trying to make this parallel, but it doesn't work. So it's the intention, not the result that matters? Okay, then by that logic the killing of American soldiers is justifiable.
I don't understand the logic behind using drones while attempting counter insurgency. From a moral standpoint this is horrific, but even from a strategic standpoint it makes absolutely no sense. You aren't going to win the hearts and minds of a population by going after insurgents in such an indiscriminate fashion. -Sun_Tzu-
It's because Pakistan is incompetent and can't fight their own terriosts. If it wasn't for these drone strikes the militants in Pakistan would be safe, and they could freely go to Afghanastain attack NATO troops and than go back to there safe haven in Pakistan. Pakistan really needs to step up their game and start eliminating the militants in their own country.
[QUOTE="Rhazakna"][QUOTE="Engrish_Major"]How is it arbitrary will if the strikes are against an organization that has attacked the US?Engrish_MajorBy that logic 9/11 was justified because of American foreign policy. The crimes of a few does not justify mass slaughter. I would never condone the targeted killing of thousands of civilians as the primary target. I'm not sure why you're trying to make this parallel, but it doesn't work. Really, so the difference is intent not the result itself? If your intent was to kill militants and ended up killing a bunch of civilians your intent justifies the slaughter? Heck, despite what mainstream media is saying, the people killed on 9/11 were collateral damage by the same logic. The Twin Towers were one of the tallest buildings back then and a symbol of American economic might, the Pentagon a symbol of military might and the White House a symbol of America's political power. No conspiracy theory here just common sense, don't you think if Al Qaeda's sole purpose was civilian casualties and they were smart enough to orchestrate such a complex attack it would've occurred to them that lets say a stadium was a better target.
Collateral damage is an euphemism used by nations with technology to justify when they kill civilians. The 9/11 perpetrators could equally call the innocent people they killed with their attacks collateral damage if they could since their intention was not necessarily to kill civilians but to provoke a moral and economic wound on the US. Civilians just happened to be in the World Trade Center, Pentagon and the Capitol if they had achieved attacking that.[QUOTE="kuraimen"][QUOTE="alexside1"]No ones claiming that they're not humans beings, because there difference is the intention of it.alexside1
No it isn't. They don't go around killing civilians intentionally.
I never said the word "intentionally" in my post. And like I said the 9/11 perpetrators could use the same excuse to call civilian casualties collateral damage: "We didn't kill those people intentionally, they just happened to be between our targets and us".Well, if the Taliban kill civillians and the US also kills civillians, maybe Pakistan is smart in watching them kill each other.It's because Pakistan is incompetent and can't fight their own terriosts. If it wasn't for these drone strikes the militants in Pakistan would be safe, and they could freely go to Afghanastain attack NATO troops and than go back to there safe haven in Pakistan. Pakistan really needs to step up their game and start eliminating the militants in their own country.
[QUOTE="-Sun_Tzu-"]I don't understand the logic behind using drones while attempting counter insurgency. From a moral standpoint this is horrific, but even from a strategic standpoint it makes absolutely no sense. You aren't going to win the hearts and minds of a population by going after insurgents in such an indiscriminate fashion. RAGINGxPONY
It's because Pakistan is incompetent and can't fight their own terriosts. If it wasn't for these drone strikes the militants in Pakistan would be safe, and they could freely go to Afghanastain attack NATO troops and than go back to there safe haven in Pakistan. Pakistan really needs to step up their game and start eliminating the militants in their own country.
But that's a false dichotomy. We don't need to use drone strikes to fight these militants. In fact, drone strikes are probably the most counterproductive way to fight these militants. Our entire strategy in the region is based on protecting civilians. That is fundamental to any counter insurgency.[QUOTE="alexside1"][QUOTE="kuraimen"] Collateral damage is an euphemism used by nations with technology to justify when they kill civilians. The 9/11 perpetrators could equally call the innocent people they killed with their attacks collateral damage if they could since their intention was not necessarily to kill civilians but to provoke a moral and economic wound on the US. Civilians just happened to be in the World Trade Center, Pentagon and the Capitol if they had achieved attacking that.kuraimen
No it isn't. They don't go around killing civilians intentionally.
I never said the word "intentionally" in my post. And like I said the 9/11 perpetrators could use the same excuse to call civilian casualties collateral damage: "We didn't kill those people intentionally, they just happened to be between our targets and us".That is the dumbest thing I think I have ever heard, the terriosts knew that when they crashed those planes they we're killing everyone on board and that was their intention. And they knew everyone on board were civilians. Big difference from that and colleteral damage caused from drone strikes.
[QUOTE="RAGINGxPONY"][QUOTE="-Sun_Tzu-"]I don't understand the logic behind using drones while attempting counter insurgency. From a moral standpoint this is horrific, but even from a strategic standpoint it makes absolutely no sense. You aren't going to win the hearts and minds of a population by going after insurgents in such an indiscriminate fashion. -Sun_Tzu-
It's because Pakistan is incompetent and can't fight their own terriosts. If it wasn't for these drone strikes the militants in Pakistan would be safe, and they could freely go to Afghanastain attack NATO troops and than go back to there safe haven in Pakistan. Pakistan really needs to step up their game and start eliminating the militants in their own country.
But that's a false dichotomy. We don't need to use drone strikes to fight these militants. In fact, drone strikes are probably the most counterproductive way to fight these militants. Our entire strategy in the region is based on protecting civilians. That is fundamental to any counter insurgency.Yeah we don't need to, but it helps. These drone strikes are responible for the deaths of many Taliban leaders and militants. Thus weakening the Taliban making it easier for the forces in Afghanastain to do their job.
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