the taliban andal qaeda really don't get enough love nowadays so i'm glad they have so many defenders in this thread. but i guess the little guy needs someone to stand up for them against big, bad america.
there have been countless more deaths caused by these militants and insurgents than caused by the US. but to me its not just a numbers game, its a question of intent like some other rational people in this thread have already brought up. the way i see it, terrorists are killing our soldiers and civilians so we have a justifiable reason to pursue and kill them. drones are a good way of doing it because it doesn't put our soldiers in danger and so what if its less "personal"? war is about defeating your enemy in the most efficient way possible with the smallest amount of lives lost, and i believe we are attempting to do just that. collateral damage happens and it is sad when any civilian lives are lost, especially children, but that's what happens when militants hide amongst, and protected by, some of the population.
the people who are comparing our intent to that of al qaeda during 9/11 i feel are truly misguided and are either blinded by their hatred of the US or are just ignorant of the facts.
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