it is unfortunate that we need to do this, but we need to do this.
Maybe if the international community (in this case, Pakistan) would expose these fundamentalist and actually try to make the world a better place, this would not be needed. But until the US can stop doing Pakistan's job for them, I guess this is how its going to go.
I am sorry for the loss of life, I really am, but it is hard to feel really bad when all other options have been sought or have failed.
so basically you are saying is ok to kill inocents because it is a war? correct me if im wrong but thats exactly what the terrorist think
c'mon dude, nothing I said is even remotely close to what youre putting in my mouth (giggity)
But if you need clarification: terrorists specifically target civilians, the US targets militants. Not that it excuses our actions, but the US kills civilians on accident, and the militants are partially to blame for that as they hide behind civilians.
Contrary to popular belief, the US doesn't go "OOOH! A TERRORIST!" and launch a missile. They weigh the odds, look at the intel, and calculate the risk. If it is "acceptable", and attack is done. Sometimes the risk doesn't work out and, regretfully, civilians are hurt.
.. Your point completely flies in the face of decades of policies in the region where we have US supporting and installing dictators that torture and murder their own people.. When you put in this kind of baggage, your going to have terrorist who justify this kind of thing simply due to the West doing the exact same type of things for a huundred years through the said example..
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