@BSC14 said:
@foxhound_fox said:
They test all the blood anyways (unless they actually don't and this screening process is all they use to determine most samples useability), so I'm not sure why they continue to lend credence to the AIDS hysteria from the late 1980's.
We've known for a while that heterosexual men and women can not only be highly promiscuous, but are as likely to be infected with a STI as anyone else who sleeps around, regardless of sexual orientation.It's dumb and would really help supplement the perma-shortage of useable blood.
I think generally the gay community is a bit more promiscuous than the average heterosexual. I know that might be an outrageous thing to say on this particular board and I don't have numbers with proof but it seems that way to me.
That is a stereotype leftover from the late '80's. There is no truth in it. There are heterosexual men and women who have been with hundreds of partners (some of which have knowingly been infected with HIV and continue to have unprotected sex without telling their partners). The only way to be sure is to test the blood... and they do that. There is no "higher average of promiscuity".
But, for the sake of argument, let's say you are right.
We'll assume for argument's sake that a tenth of the total human population is homosexual (I've heard numbers from 8-10%). There is no means to really tell. But assume that's true.
Now, if a third of those homosexuals are "more promiscuous than normal" (I'd like to know what a "normal level of promiscuity" actually is BTW), out of a population of 1,000,000 people, that gives us about 33,333 people that would be at increased risk of spreading STI's due to their higher partner count.
Assuming these numbers carry, that leaves 90% of the 1,000,000 people. Out of those heterosexuals left, let's assume a tenth of them are as promiscuous as their homosexual compatriots. That would give us a whopping 90,000 people at the same level of risk as homosexuals to spreading STI's. Even if we assume a TWENTIETH of the remaining heterosexual population is as prmoiscuous, that STILL is 45,000 people. About 12,000 more than the homosexual population.
Even if we were to be extremely biased and say "half of all homosexuals are dangerously promiscuous", that still leaves us with 50,000 vs the original 90,000 from the tenth of heterosexuals.
The whole idea that "gays are sluttier" stems from the idea that homosexual cannot have meaningful relationships and CHOOSE to have sex with other men. This was the mindset of the era when AIDS was a "gay disease". It is a fallacious mindset to hold unless you can actually link to medical/scientific studies proving that homosexuals of a promiscuous nature (i.e. having lots of unprotected sex) it cannot be used a means to justify refusing to take their blood.
And this falls again to the concept that THEY TEST ALL THE BLOOD regardless of the screening process (which merely throws the sample out of consideration if one has come in contact with ANY infectous disease... for instance, where I live, they ask if you have come in contact with monkeys or monkey bodily fluids within the past 12 months, not to mention many prescription drugs also exempt samples from being considered).
Any person of high levels of sexual promiscuity should not be considered an ideal blood donor. Period. Regardless of orientation.
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