If Bush wanted oil, he could have just bribed his way through Saddam Hussein just like the French, the Chinese, and the Russians. We can argue whether the Iraq War was a mistake or not but the biggest mistake we could have made was retreat and let the other side win. Although their democracy isn't perfect like ours, at least they're not controlled by a madman and hopefully they'll become a great nation. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither was the United States, just to let you know.
Now if we were to go into the details on how the Iraq War was handled then yes, our leaders (and congress, Democrat and Republican) deserve most of the blame. The way they handled the war was laughable. Everyone likes to compare Iraq to Vietnam but what they don't understand is that Vietnam was lost not because we were losing. In fact, we were winning. The problem was how our political leaders handled the war through micromanagement but also the media coverage that painted a grim picture of Vietnam and the same with Iraq even though our casualties are far less than that of Vietnam and even D-Day.
There's no doubt that war is a terrible thing but sometimes necessary to defend our way of life, no matter how imperfect it may be. The problem is the cheapening of the concept of war and the politicization of war.
As for the draft, 99% it will never happen. The all-volunteer force is much more reliable and more efficient. Also, all services have reached their highest level in recruiting. The only way there will be a draft is if we go in an all-out nuclear war with a country like Russia or China which will never happen.
And finally, this isn't the last we'll see of war because there is always going to be a conflict. It's a fact of life.
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