The second the United States switches to Socialized Medicine (hypothetically speaking) it will cause more problems. Doctors here go to school for 8 years and make somewhere from $200-400k/ year. Now you switch to Socialized Medicine and you will be cutting their pay by over 50% and still requiring major amouts of schooling.Smoke89
The purpose of a national health care program isn't to produce rich doctors. There would still be private hospitals that can save lives for $$$, where top surgeons would still be able to find employment. Popular demand among the rich will ensure this.
Say this happens you are going to have less people wanting the liablilities, stress, work hours, and schooling for the same pay as your every day joe. Thus, just like in countires that use it, affordable health care with a wait so long if you really need help your probably gonna be dead due to lack of personel. Smoke89
What country has the most doctors per citizen? Norway, with highly socialised health care. What country has the most dentists per citizen? Sweden, with highly socialised health care. Canadians, Norwegians and Swedes all have at least 2 years longer life expectancy than Americans on average, as do eleven other nationalities. If socialised health care means worse care, how do you explain this?
The US is huge and has way more people, resulting in ugly numbers vs. places like France who are close to the size of texas and people are compact in living radius. Smoke89
The US is 50% more crowded than Sweden, three times as densely populated as Norway and ten times more densely populated than Canada and Australia.
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