I agree on Silk Spectre II. I just didn't find Nite Owl II very interesting. He seemed to me a fairly boring character, particularly compared with the four I liked. Nothing he did was anywhere near as fascinating as the history (entertwined with the present) of Dr. Manhattan and his conversation with Silk Spectre II on Mars (Dr. Manhattan was really what made that interesting), pretty much anything Rorschach did (and, also, Rorschach's description of The Comedian), and Ozymandias' discussion of his plan for peace and of Alexander the Great.
That's just my opinion, though :P.
While Manhattan's my favorite (and the part on Mars was just plain fantastic), I found Nite Owl II to be the most relate-able and I think that's why I like him. I suppose because he's the most "normal" of the cast. But I agree with you when you say that those four are more interesting, overall.
And when I say "cast," I exclude Silk Spectre II because she was just plain awful. :P
Yes, I do know what you mean when you say Nite Owl II is the most relatable, though I still don't think he's a very interesting character, which is why I wasn't too fond of him.
However, I'd say that part of the reason I liked V for Vendetta more was the scene where V "converses" with the statue of justice. I just love that scene.
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