Yes, males have rights also, but to deny that women get treated better in the courts and etc. is just a blatant lie. Those women that I mentioned in my first comment, the ones that tried to kill their husbands (one did actually), they walk free. How do you justify that? What about the woman who drowned her four kids and ended up killing them? What happened to her? She was deemed "ill in the head" so her punishement is that she now resides in a psych ward or something like that. Now, if the situation were reversed and it was a man who murdered his children, we all know that he would be in prison for life and without parole.
not true, myth. Kind of like how you think there is a bunch of women out there planning to beat up on you.
get out more! stop listening to AM radio
Am radio has nothing to do with the facts. Police come out on a domestic disturbence call with a man and woman the man unless the woman is showing out it is mostly the man that goes to jail. A woman hts you and you hit her back then the man is the bad guy in most peoples eyes.
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