So I go to EB games (or gamestop in some areas) to purchase BF 2142 (a little late, I know). Youshould know that in eb games they just have the empty boxes for display, and the game itselfare in the shelves behind the counter. I bring the box to the cashier, he goes behine the counter and puts in whatever is necessary. Pay him, and go home. When I open the box, all I see is a disc, no manual. I guess the manual wasn't nessary, nobody reads them anyways :P. So I pop in the disc, after multiple clicks of yes, it ask me for the CD key. I knew that it was on the manual, so I quicky go back th eb games. I told the cashier (it was a different guy though) that my game didn't come with a manual which needed the CD key to install. He then said that I was a liar and that I was trying to get 2 CD keys. I asked to speak with the manager, some 40ish guy came out. He said that he was sorry that he couldn't help me, I know that themanager was a nice guybecausehe had a sorry tone in his voice. So then I went to wal mart (should have done in the first place) and got 2142.
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