Do me a favor, and let's not get carried away with talking about porn itself. I don't want to see this thread locked.
Did you know it's totally within your rights to view pornography in a public library? It's protected by the Free Information Act, so if someone tells you that you can't view porn in a library, legally, your rights are being violated. I work for the Denver Library, and as we were closing down, we passed by a guy who was watching pornography on a public computer. We were both disgusted, but we knew we couldn't actually say anything to him.
This act is in direction conflict with the Child Online Protection Act, which the library strictly enforces. Technically, we're not supposed to allow people to view adult material in areas where children are present. Since children do not stay confined in the children area of the library, this basically means the entire premesis. It used to be that every public computer (except for the childrens' computers) were unfiltered, but a deal was worked out between the Denver Library and the district attorney were we filtered computers in every branch except for a few, so that we weren't in total violation of the Free Information Act. If someone complains about not being able to view porn, we simply direct them to a branch that has unfiltered computers. Also, if someone is viewing porn, and another patron is offended by it, all we can really do is have them move to a different computer, or give the person viewing the material a privacy screen.
I personally detest this. I hate seeing people view porn in public. I think it's disgusting, and although I don't like judging people, I immediately consider those who are doing this as sick and distrubed individuals. What compells someone to watch this in a public place? Wouldn't they feel uncomfortable knowing that people around them are being appauled by them? What's worse is that our Central library, which is of course unfiltered, continously bans people for conducting themselves in inappropriate behavior. Allowing adult material in a public area such as a library is just asking for trouble!
So what do you all think about this? What's your stance on the matter? Are you offended? Would you even care? Do any of you even do this yourselves? :?
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