they have it in the graphic novel
Yeah, and they intentionally made it more hardcore in the movie just to make the movie seem more badass.
Same thing with the sex and the violence. The comic was actually sort of classy about this sort of stuff. Yeah, the comic had shootings and murders and sex and penises.
But the movie had to make the penises twice as long as in the comic book. The movie had to turn every scene of violence into a hardcore gore shot when the comic book didn't even NEED to point out limbs being suspended from the ceiling by gore. Rorschach's origin story? Again, changed for no good reason just to put more goddamn gore into the movie.
**** that. The comic was mature as hell. It managed to be mature and adult WITHOUT dwelling on gore or scenes of sex. In the comics, the vast majority of this stuff is IMPLIED and it is actually the THEMES which makes it "mature reading". But the movie itself just tried to "spice things up" and make it more "extreme" by throwing in more gore and sex.
Yeah dude, they tried to sex it up and bloody it up because they didn't think audiences would be able to appreciate the THEMES. And in the ONE case in which they got rid of gore, that was also arguably the most important scene in which gore was CRITICAL. But no. The one scene in the book that actually called for gore was sterilised in the movie and replaced by the typical hole in the ground. Which only happened because the filmmakers thought that the audience would be too stupid to follow the original ending, so they changed it and neutered it for idiots.
Geezer doe make a good point. The amount of gore might not have been needed,but the sex scene makes a point, except they chose the wrong song. Maybe an original song should've been done for that scene
I enjoyed Watchmen and want to read the graphic novel.
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