Well, it made semi-sense.
[spoiler] Basically, Watchmen was already running incredibly long for a feature film. Did they have time to put in the scenes revolving around Ozymandias' island of test subjects where he was engineering that squid? If they didn't go into enough detail, it would have completely baffled any viewers unfamiliar with the source material, and going into too much detail would spoil the ending. So in that case, to make a feasible movie ending out of it, it required changing. The change from a squid to Dr manhattan-esque attacks gives it a rather easy explanation that can quickl tie into the story and make sense for the viewers, while keeping intact the same vibe that the book's ending gave. Sure, Dr M is invincible, but he was created by science, and if there's one thing I've learned about world leaders in the past, it's that they can be ambitious to an illogical degree (see: fight on terrorism...where countries declare war on an idea...as if it could be erased from existence). Does it mesh perfectly with Wacthmen's story? No, it leaves some holes here and there, but they're imperceptible to normal viewers and incredibly minor IMHO, and considering the fact that it has to be fit into a feature film's time constraints, and not a TV miniseries, I'll cut it some slack. The book's ending was very well though out, but really cheesy in the choice of a squid-like alien creature. The movie's ending makes much more sense for a movie audience and is more efficient with the movie's duration while keeping the same atmosphere about it. So yeah, it made sense for what was included in the movie. In the context of the book, it makes less sense than the original, but at the same time, the original ending would have been tough to implement in a movie. At least, that's my take on it. [/spoiler]
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